CoinTr Pro Free Trial Funds Promo: The Review You’ve Been Waiting For

On June 19, 2023, CoinTr Pro launched a promo for new users. This promo offers up to 500 USDT in trial funds for futures trading and is valid until July 19, 2023.

As with most crypto promos, users are sceptical about participating because they’ve been burnt in the past, heard terrible stories from others or participated in promos that didn’t live up to expectations.

As my friend would say, “You learn by learning”. So, I joined this promo to see things for myself.

If you’ve been waiting for an honest review from a participant in this promo to inform your decision, you’re in luck!

Before joining this promo, I read and understood their terms and conditions.

After participating in this promo for a couple of days, I’m sharing my experience so you can decide if it’s worth it.

What You Must Know

  • You have 72 hours (3 days) to use the trial funds before they expire.
  • You can’t use more than one trial fund at a time. So you can’t accumulate the funds to increase your margin.
  • The $50 trial funds have a maximum leverage of 1X and are only valid for the BTCUSDT and ETH USDT pairs.

Let me explain.

At one point, I had five trial funds in my reward centre—two $10 and three $50.

If you use one of the $10 trial funds, you can’t place any other trade using another trial fund until you’ve returned the $10 trial fund in use.

Let’s say you want to trade with the $50 trial funds, but you have an open trade with $10 trial funds. You’ll have to close the trade with the $10 trial funds before you can make a new trade.

After closing the trade, you’ll have to go to your reward centre and return the used trial fund before you can use another trial fund.

Once you return a trial fund, you can’t use it again. It becomes equivalent to an expired trial fund.

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How to Use the CoinTr Pro Trial Funds

Once you’ve received your trial funds, you can use them from your futures trading page or reward centre

I recommend using the futures trading route, as it’s two steps faster. The reward centre will still redirect you to the futures trading page.

Use the Trial Funds via the Recommended Route

Step 1: Go to your futures trading page, and click the Trial Fund toggle to choose from the available trial funds.

Step 2: A list of available trial funds will pop up for you to choose from. Select one by clicking the green Go to use button and start trading. Easy peasy!

Use the Trial Funds via the Reward Centre

Step 1: Visit your reward centre to see the trial funds available.

Step 2: Click the green Trade button to trade with any available trial funds. This will take you to the futures trading page. Then follow the steps as described earlier.

How I Participated

I registered, completed the KYC verification to the advanced level, and got two $10 trial funds.

Then I discovered I couldn’t use the trial funds unless I deposited 10 USDT to my futures wallet.

So, I funded my account with 10 USDT and was able to use both trial funds to trade futures.

The maximum leverage for the first $10 trial fund was 8X, while the other one was 5X

I made ~3 USDT profit in total from both trades.

Then, I got three $50 trial funds in my reward centre. Those were from the KYC verification I completed. They’re distributed one by one for three days.

Where My Problems Started

After making profits and returning both $10 trial funds, I discovered I couldn’t use any of the three $50 trial funds.

I sent a private message to CoinTr Pro support on Twitter, but they didn’t reply. After waiting without a response, I tagged them on a Twitter post, but they haven’t responded yet.

Back to my reward centre…

I assumed the scenario was similar to my $10 free trial, where I had to deposit 10 USDT in my futures account.

But the rules stated that my futures balance could be 0 USDT or greater to use the trial funds.

Still, I decided to test my hypothesis.

So, I deposited 38 USDT to my wallet to make my balance reach 50 USDT. Then, I transferred the 50 USDT to my futures wallet.

But I still couldn’t use any of the $50 trial funds. One of the $50 trial funds has already expired, and another will expire today.

It’s Sad My 150 USDT Trial Funds Will Waste

After trying different workarounds, but I’ve come to terms with the fact that I can’t use any of the $50 trial funds.

I’m sitting here, waiting for the other trial funds to expire. In the meantime, I’ll transfer all my funds back to my Binance account and trade with rest of mind.

CoinTr Pro has fewer futures trading pairs than Binance, so I’m missing out on many trading opportunities. But I can understand that since it’s a new platform.

Update: I Can Trade With My Second Set of $50 Trial Funds

It’s been two days after making this post. Today is June 26, 2023.

The first $150 trial funds I got for completing my KYC verification expired without use for reasons I explained earlier in this post. 

I checked my account and saw that I had received two out of the three $50 trial funds for funding my wallet with at least 10 USDT. The last $50 should arrive tomorrow to complete the $150 reward.

The good news is that I can use them for futures trading, unlike the last set. 

Let’s see how much profit I’ll make this time. I have nothing to lose as I’ve transferred my funds from my futures wallet. So, I’ll only be trading with the trial funds this time.

I’d love to hear what others are experiencing in this promo to confirm whether my case is special or the norm.

If you’re participating in this promo, share your experience in the comments.