Avive Mining Tutorial: 5 Vital Tips for Maximum Earnings in the Avive Airdrop

Do you know you can earn free crypto and other exciting rewards on Avive World?

All you need is an invitation from an Avive citizen like me. Then, you can download the Avive mining app and earn VV coins and BTC rewards.

In this post, I’ll show you everything you need to know about Avive mining:

  • How to join the Avive airdrop to earn Avive coins
  • Five crucial tips for success in your Avive mining 
Avive Mining Tutorial: 5 Vital Tips for Maximum Earnings in the Avive Airdrop

How to Join the Avive Mining Airdrop

Follow these steps to join the Avive airdrop: 

  1. Visit the Avive sign up page
  2. Sign up with your email address
  3. Download the Avive app
  4. Log in to the Avive app with your email address
  5. Tap Initiate free airdrop to start your Avive mining

Use the invitation code: 3pyctd

Follow the Avive official pages for extra rewards.

Next, let’s examine five crucial tips you must know when you join Avive World. 

Tip 1: Check In Hourly to Claim VV Coins and Weekly for BTC Rewards

VV coins are available to claim on the Avive mining app every hour. So, you can claim 24 times in a day. For early birds, you can claim BTC rewards once a week.

To claim your Avive airdrop, tap the Claim button on your Airdrop tab in the Avive app. The claim button is blue when you haven’t claimed the airdrop yet for that round. It greys out after you’ve claimed.

Your Avive airdrop will be suspended if you miss 25 rounds. This means if you fail to claim 25 airdrops, you won’t have any new VV coins to claim. To restart your Avive airdrop after suspension, check in on the Avive app and tap the Claim button on your Airdrop tab.

Avive rewards only active users—those who claimed their airdrop within 24 hours. So, stay active to earn more VV coins and other cool rewards.

Tip 2: Boost Your Avive Mining Rate With Magic Stones, Gift Boxes, and Referrals

On Avive, your Soul Power, also known as your mining rate, determines how many VV coins you can claim per round. Each round lasts one hour, so the higher your Soul Power, the more VV coins you can claim per hour.

You can boost your Avive Soul Power by: 

  • Inviting new users to the platform
  • Exchanging magic stones
  • Exchanging gift boxes

Inviting Friends to Join Avive

The more friends you invite to join your Avive mining team, the stronger your Soul Power will be, and the more coin rewards you’ll get. However, this only happens when your friends are claiming the Avive airdrop. In other words, only your active teammates can increase your Soul Power.

There are two levels of teammates on Avive:

  • Level 1 Teammate: Friends who join Avive by using your invitation code directly. 20% of their Soul Power will contribute to your Team power.
  • Level 2 Teammate: Friends who join Avive using the referral link of your level 1 teammates. 10% of their Soul Power will contribute to your Team power.

See also: Earn and Withdraw Alpha Coins in the Alpha Network Airdrop

Exchanging Magic Stones

Magic stones boost your Avive mining rate when an exchange is executed. 

You’ll find several randomly generated magic stones with different Soul Power values, and you can have up to five magic stones at once in your Tools tab.

The rate of magic stone generation decreases over time.

  1. Your first 32 magic stones are generated daily, meaning you get a new one every day until it reaches 32.
  2. The next 16 magic stones come every other day. This means you get a new stone every two days.
  3. Subsequently, you’ll receive eight magic stones every four days.
  4. After that, two magic stones will be generated every 16 days.
  5. Finally, you’ll only get one magic stone every 32 days.

The more people you exchange with, the higher your Soul Power. This means an exchange with five participants will generate more Soul Power than one with four. You can initiate or join a magic stone exchange. 

To initiate a magic stone exchange:

  1. Navigate to the Tools tab on your Avive app
  2. Tap the Initiate button on a magic stone
  3. Select how many participants you want
  4. Tap the Initiate button
  5. Copy the exchange code to share with your friends

You can only execute the exchange once your selected number of participants join using your exchange code. 

For example, if you set the number of participants to five, you can’t start the exchange until five people have joined. That’s you plus four others.

Once the exchange participants are complete, tap the Execute Exchange button to start the exchange and increase the participants’ Soul Powers.

To join a magic stone exchange:

  1. Navigate to the Tools tab on your Avive app
  2. Tap the Join button on a magic stone
  3. Paste the magic stone’s exchange code in the textbox
  4. Tap Confirm

Magic stones can only be exchanged once between the same two parties. For example, if I’ve exchanged a magic stone with you before, we can’t exchange magic stones again. In other words, if Mr A and Mr B have been teammates in an exchange team, they can never be teammates in any other exchange team.

If you didn’t get that, let me use another example. Let’s say countries are magic stone exchange teams. Assume Mr A and Mr B have been in Spain’s team once. They can never be teammates again. So, if Mr A joins the French team, Mr B can’t join as long as Mr A is still in the French team, and vice versa.

Watch this magic stone tutorial for more directions on using magic stones.

Exchanging Gift Boxes

You can exchange a gift box with another user to boost their mining rate by 50,000. If someone uses your gift code, their Soul Power increases by 50,000 while yours increases by 2,000.

Only one person from the two parties can use the gift box, and it can only be used once.

To use a gift box:

  1. Navigate to the Tools tab on your Avive app
  2. Tap Gift Box at the top of your screen
  3. Tap Use Gift Box at the top right of your screen
  4. Paste the gift code in the textbox
  5. Tap Confirm

If you’ve used a gift box before, the option to use a gift box will disappear, and you’ll only be able to share gift codes with other users.

Get extra 50,000 Avive Soul Power with these gift codes 🚀🚀🚀


Codes already used? Ask for a gift code in my Telegram group 👋

To give out a gift box:

  1. Navigate to the Tools tab on your Avive app
  2. Tap Gift Box at the top of your screen
  3. Copy any gift code to share with your friends

If the recipient of your gift box doesn’t have a team or has 0 team members, and you joined Avive before them, then they’ll become your level 1 teammate. So, sharing gift boxes not only helps boost your Avive mining rate, it also helps you grow your mining team.

Two gift boxes are generated daily, and you can find up to ten gift boxes on your Avive app. Watch this video guide for more directions on using gift boxes.

Tip 3: Join Avive Exchange Groups to Share Magic Stones and Gift Boxes

Wondering how to exchange your stones and boxes after exhausting exchanges with your teammates? Joining exchange communities is the best way to go.

Look for local Avive communities on social media. These communities encourage exchanges to boost Soul Power.

CoinSavi Airdrop: Download the CoinSavi app and start mining SAVI tokens daily

One of the best exchange communities is the Avive-Global Code Exchange group. This Telegram group has over 180,000 members, with about 2,000 online at any time. So, your chances of exchanging magic stones with someone you’ve exchanged with before are low.

Share your gift codes and magic stone exchange codes in the group chat. Search for exchange codes to join an exchange team. Codes are posted frequently by active members. 

Tip 4: Mint Your Avive Profile NFT

Your Avive profile is a unique web3 profile that enhances your credibility on Avive World, brings you closer to KYC requirements, and sets you up for other exciting rewards. 

Early participants of the free profile mint earned 10 Avive Points. But you can still earn 2 points if you mint your free Avive profile now.

To mint your Avive profile NFT:

  1. Visit the minting page
  2. Click the Sign in button
  3. Enter the email address connected to your Avive account
  4. Enter the OTP sent to your inbox
  5. Login
  6. Connect your wallet
  7. Select your preferred username
  8. Mint 

Watch this video for more directions.

Minting your Avive profile NFT is free. But you’ll pay a gas fee of ~$0.4 worth of ETH. So, ensure you have enough ETH on the Arbitrum One chain to pay for gas. 

Claim your Avive Points after minting here.

Tip 5: Earn Avive Points to Elevate Your Engagement and Reap Rewards

Are you ready to embark on a journey of active involvement within the Avive Hub? Avive Points are your passport to recognition and a world of rewards. See how they can transform your Avive experience:

Validate Your Active Participation: Avive Points are your digital pat on the back, confirming your vibrant engagement in Avive Hub activities. Your journey matters, and your points are proof of that.

Showcase Your Valuable Contributions: Avive celebrates your role in nurturing the Avive ecosystem. Each point you earn is a badge of honour, underlining the importance of your contributions. Let your impact shine through your points.

Join the Biswift airdrop to claim free $BSF daily. Use this invitation code: 2ISN72R1ELB8

Boost Your Profile’s Credibility: In a digital world where authenticity is paramount, Avive Points are your armour against impersonators. They distinguish you from bots and fake accounts, enhancing your profile’s credibility and trustworthiness.

Elevate KYC and Unlock Bountiful Rewards: Accumulating Avive Points not only signifies your dedication but also propels you closer to KYC verification, unlocking a treasure trove of rewards and privileges in the Avive ecosystem.

You can earn points by minting your profile NFT or being in the top 10 of the Active L1 teammate rankings

The teammate ranking is based on how many active level 1 teammates you have daily. Be in the top 10 for: 

  • Seven consecutive days in a week to earn 3 points
  • Three consecutive days in a week to earn 1 point

These points will become invalid if you don’t claim them within one week.

So, are you ready to dive into the Avive experience, where engagement is rewarded, contributions are celebrated, and authenticity prevails? Start collecting your Avive Points today.

Get the Latest Updates on the Avive Airdrop

To learn more about Avive, read their whitepaper, participate in their Telegram group and follow them on Twitter for the latest news and info. 

Join my Telegram channel for more crypto airdrop info, tutorials, and earning opportunities. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Avive Mining Work?

Avive offers free hourly Avive coin airdrops you can collect with one tap. This way, you earn VV tokens and BTC for being an active Avive citizen.

To elevate your Avive experience, you can exchange gift boxes and magic stones with other users. These tools can boost your mining rate to help you earn more rewards daily.

Is Avive Mining Real or Fake?

Avive mining is real; you earn Avive coins hourly on the Avive app by being active. You don’t have to spend any money or buy any crypto to mine. You have nothing to lose. Just check in on the app hourly to claim your free crypto.

When Is the Avive Mining Launch Date?

The date will be announced once the Avive mainnet is ready. Join my Telegram channel to be one of the first to know when the launch date is announced.

Is Avive Listed on Binance?

Not yet. Follow Avive on Twitter or join my Telegram channel for updates about Avive listing.