Supra Mission Answers

Hey, Supranians!

Stuck in any of the SupraOracles mission quizzes and need answers?

You know you only get one shot at the quiz. Miss it, and you’ll have to wait for the next week’s mission quiz. I know you don’t want that.

That’s why I take the pains to read the mission lectures, understand them and ace the quizzes for you.

In this guide, you’ll find the SupraOracles quiz answers. I’ll keep updating this post with new SupraOracles mission answers, so you can always come back to this page for answers when new missions go live.

The Supra Missions are over. Claim your badge in Supra Mission 76

Note: SupraOracles sets multiple questions per quiz. So, your quiz question might be different from another user’s. This means there will be many questions answered here. So, instead of scrolling endlessly on your browser to find your question, 

  • use the Ctrl + F keys on your keyboard to search for your question on desktop
  • use the Find in page option to search for your question on mobile

The correct answer for each quiz question will be formatted in bold italics.

Let’s go!

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Supra Mission 75 Answers

Question 1: How can a builder design their token economy in a Supra Container?

  • Only use external tokens from Ethereum or Bitcoin
  • Complete freedom to experiment, like zero gas fees, flat fees, or implement different fees for different actions
  • Use Supra’s default tokens only
  • Charge players high fees with no customization options
  • Use the same token economy across all projects on Supra with no modification

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In Supra Containers, builders have total control over how they design their token economy. This means builders have the freedom to test out different setups to see what works best for their game or ecosystem. It’s all about giving the builder control.

Question 2: What can a gaming studio create within a Supra Container?

  • A single dApp with one function
  • A system for off-chain social media interactions only
  • A multi-game universe with interconnected dApps
  • Only a basic marketplace with no customization
  • Only financial services like DeFi apps

A gaming studio using Supra Containers can create an entire ecosystem, not just a single app. They can build a universe of games where different dApps are connected. 

For example, players can earn rewards in one game and use them in another, all within the same system. The studio can control how everything works together, allowing for cool interactions between games, items, and tokens. 

It’s like building a connected world where all parts work together under the studio’s control.

Question 3: What makes Supra Containers unique compared to traditional L2s?

  • They are isolated and don’t have the option to interact with the Supra ecosystem
  • They don’t offer access to Supra’s integrated services like price feeds or automation
  • They allow for composability and shared liquidity with Supra L1 and other Containers
  • They come with fixed gas fees that can’t be changed
  • They can only host or run one single dApp with limited smart contracts

What makes Supra Containers different from regular Layer 2 (L2) systems is that they can easily work with each other and with the main Supra network (Supra L1). This means that all the dApps can share stuff, like tokens and information, without getting stuck or needing extra tools to connect.

Imagine if you had a bunch of toy blocks that could easily snap together to make cool structures. That’s how Supra Containers work—they fit together nicely and can use resources from all the other containers, making it easier for builders to create awesome stuff.

Supra Mission 74 Answers

Question 1: How are Supra Containers secured, and what is the time to finality?

  • Containers are secured by Supra’s L1 nodes with sub-second consensus finality
  • Containers need separate security protocols, and finality is up to 60 seconds
  • Containers are secured by their own private validators with slow finality times
  • Containers need to build their own consensus protocol with subsecond finality
  • Containers need external validators, and take 30 seconds for finality

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Question 2: Are Supra Containers composable with the rest of the ecosystem?

  • Yes, they are composable with Supra L1 and other Supra Containers
  • Only if you integrate third-party services
  • No, they are completely isolated from other dApps and the Supra L1
  • They are only composable within their own Container and not with the Supra L1
  • They are slightly composable with some services within the Supra ecosystem

Question 3: How do Supra Containers compare to L2 solutions?

  • They are slower but more secure than L2s
  • They are less secure than L2s but have better fees
  • They don’t support custom fees or economies, unlike L2s
  • They are faster than L2s but have fixed high fees
  • They are composable with other Containers and Supra L1, unlike L2 ecosystems

L2 solutions (Layer 2s) don’t always fit together as smoothly with other systems like Supra Containers do. So, while Layer 2s are good, Supra Containers are special because they can easily connect with other parts of the Supra system, making them more flexible and cooperative.

Supra Mission 73 Answers

Question 1: What does NI-DKG stand for, and why is it important for Supra’s speed?

  • Network-Initiated Distributed Key, it generates multiple blocks simultaneously
  • Network-Interactive Data Group Key, it enables faster block creation
  • Non-Integrated Data Key, it allows transactions to skip verification
  • Non-Interactive Development Kit, it reduces transaction fees
  • Non-Interactive Distributed Key Generation, it allows nodes to generate keys independently

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NI-DKG stands for Non-Interactive Distributed Key Generation, which means that the nodes in Supra’s network can create their keys without having to constantly communicate or “chat” with each other. This is super important for speed because if the nodes had to talk back and forth a lot, it would slow everything down. By generating keys independently, it keeps things fast and smooth while still being secure.

Think of it like a group of friends working together on a project. If they all had to stop and check with each other every step of the way, it would take forever. But if they each do their part without needing to talk all the time, the project gets done much faster!

That’s why NI-DKG is so crucial—it keeps the blockchain fast and efficient.

Question 2: What core design element allows Supra to manage high data flow at 500,000 TPS?

  • Storing transactions in one single large database
  • Decoupling transaction data dissemination from the consensus process
  • Sending transactions one by one to each node
  • Reducing the number of nodes in the network
  • Centralizing data processing at one location

Supra manages high data flow (500,000 transactions per second) by separating data dissemination—the process of sending transaction data from consensus—the process of agreeing on those transactions.

In simpler terms, most blockchains try to handle both sending data and agreeing on it at the same time, which slows things down. Supra splits these jobs, so the data is already in the right place before the nodes (computers in the network) need to agree on it. This prevents “traffic jams” and makes everything run smoothly.

Think of it like delivering packages. Instead of sending packages and asking everyone to agree on them all at the same time (which can cause a traffic jam), Supra splits it up. First, they distribute the packages in small, manageable groups, so when it’s time to agree (the consensus), everything’s already in the right place, and no time is wasted.

Question 3: How do Threshold BLS signatures help Supra maintain high-speed data flow?

  • By sending multiple signatures independently
  • By eliminating the need for signatures altogether
  • By reducing the number of transactions in each block
  • By using only one node to verify transactions
  • By combining multiple signatures into a single, compact signature

Normally, when multiple nodes (computers) in a blockchain sign off on something, each node adds its own signature, which can create a big pile of signatures that slows things down.

But with Threshold BLS signatures, instead of piling up hundreds of individual signatures, Supra combines all the signatures into just one small signature. This means way less data to move around, making everything faster even when there are lots of nodes involved.

Imagine 300 people signing a petition. Instead of having 300 separate signatures on the paper, you get just one small signature that covers all 300 people. This means less data to carry around, which keeps things moving quickly, even when there are many people involved.

So, it’s like packing all your stuff into one small bag instead of carrying 300 bags—you can move a lot faster that way.

Supra Mission 72 Answers

Question 1: How does Supra ensure transaction availability at scale?

  • By decoupling transaction dissemination from consensus
  • By running transactions through a single node
  • By limiting the number of transactions per block
  • By coupling transaction dissemination with consensus
  • By waiting for network congestion to clear

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Imagine you have two jobs: telling everyone about a new plan (that’s like sharing transactions) and getting everyone to agree on the plan (that’s consensus). Most blockchains try to do both of these jobs together, which slows them down. 

Supra splits these jobs into two separate tasks. One team (the Clans) handles spreading the transactions around, and another team (the Tribe) makes sure everyone agrees on them.

This split is what helps Supra handle a ton of transactions (500,000 per second) without slowing down.

Question 2: How does Supra split the workload across the network?

  • By reducing the number of transactions per block
  • By limiting the number of nodes to 10
  • By broadcasting every transaction to all nodes at once
  • By splitting the network into Tribes and Clans
  • By using a centralized server

Imagine the network as a big group of people trying to get a job done. Instead of having everyone do the same task, Supra breaks this group into smaller teams. The entire network is called a Tribe, and inside the Tribe, there are smaller groups called Clans. Each Clan handles a part of the work, so not everyone is doing everything at once, making the system faster and more efficient.

Question 3: What makes Supra’s consensus process more efficient in terms of speed?

  • It relies on a single validator for each block
  • It processes only one transaction per block
  • It delays transactions until gas fees drop
  • It uses BLS multi-signatures to combine signatures
  • It uses human approval for faster consensus

Imagine you’re collecting signatures from a group of people for approval. Instead of collecting each one separately and carrying a bunch of papers around, you can combine all the signatures into one sheet of paper. This saves time and effort. 

BLS multi-signatures work the same way in Supra’s system—they take many signatures and merge them into one, making the process faster and using less data.

Supra Mission 71 Answers

Question 1: What signifies the security of Supra’s Moonshot Consensus?

  • It slows down to handle larger networks securely
  • It works only for private blockchains
  • It limits the number of nodes for higher security
  • It sacrifices decentralization for speed
  • It is formally verified for security by Microsoft’s IVy Verifier

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Supra’s Moonshot Consensus is special because it’s formally verified by Microsoft’s IVy Verifier, the gold standard for security. This means that the system has been checked by the best security standards, so it’s really safe to use. 

Other blockchains don’t have this kind of top-level verification, except for an old one called Tendermint.

Question 2: How many nodes were involved in Supra’s recent test, which clocked in at 500,000 TPS?

  • 150
  • 25
  • 50
  • 3,000
  • 300

Question 3: What is the TPS and latency of Supra’s L1 network?

  • 50,000 TPS with sub-second latency
  • 500,000 TPS with sub-second consensus latency
  • 1 million TPS with 10-second latency
  • 15 TPS with 5-second latency
  • 100,000 TPS with 3-second latency

Supra’s network is super fast.

It can handle 500,000 TPS (which means it can process 500K transactions in one second) and has sub-second consensus latency (which means it finishes transactions in less than one second).

Supra Mission 70 Answers

Question 1: What should you do after collecting test tokens from the faucet?

  • Send them to other addresses to test the testnet
  • Save them for later use
  • Delete them
  • Convert them to real tokens
  • Wait until the mainnet launch to use them

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Question 2: What opportunity is available for Aptos Move devs?

  • They must rewrite their code entirely to deploy on Supra
  • They must wait for the mainnet launch
  • They are excluded from the current testnet phase
  • They can deploy their dApps on Supra’s Layer-1 testnet without modifications
  • They can only deploy on the EVM testnet

If you’re building an Aptos Move dApp, you can deploy it on Supra’s testnet without needing to change your code. This means you can directly take your existing dApp and run it on the Supra network during this testnet phase. It’s a great chance to see how your dApp performs before the mainnet is launched.

Question 3: What is the significance of the upcoming incentivized testnet game?

  • It will be a separate blockchain project
  • It will be hosted on a private testnet
  • It will offer additional airdrops to Cadets who stress-test the network
  • It will allow users to bypass the testnet phase
  • It will be a not offer anyone any additional airdrops

The incentivized testnet game is designed to reward participants, known as Cadets, with bonus airdrops. These rewards are given to those who actively test and find issues in the network, helping Supra prepare for the mainnet launch.

Supra Mission 69 Answers

Question 1: What is the incentivized testnet campaign in Supra’s process?

  • A stage where no user feedback is accepted
  • A public testnet where participants can earn some rewards
  • A feature for testing a few select smart contracts only
  • A private testnet phase with no rewards
  • A phase focused on security audits before opening for public participation

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The incentivized testnet campaign is a stage in Supra’s process where everyone can join in to help test the network. During this phase, participants can earn rewards, like an airdrop of $SUPRA tokens, for their efforts in stress-testing the network. It’s a way for Supra to make sure their network is super strong while giving something back to the community.

Question 2: What can we expect from the public testnet stage of Supra’s process?

  • It will not involve any community participation
  • It will be restricted to developers only
  • It will be open to everyone and include an incentivized testnet campaign
  • It will not involve any incentivized testnet campaign
  • It will be limited to smart contract deployment only

Question 3: How does Supra plan to showcase its MultiVM capability?

  • By launching a single testnet with one virtual machine only
  • By rolling out separate testnets for MoveVM and EVM, followed by a combined testnet
  • By skipping the testnet phase altogether
  • By launching the mainnet first, then testing the VMs
  • By using only Ethereum’s Virtual Machine

Supra plans to showcase its MultiVM capability by first launching separate testnets for different virtual machines: the MoveVM and the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). After these individual testnets, they will combine them into one unified testnet, demonstrating how Supra’s network can handle both virtual machines (VMs) together. 

This step-by-step approach shows how Supra’s MultiVM capability works, allowing developers from different ecosystems to deploy smart contracts on the same chain.

Supra Mission 68 Answers

Question 1: What event happens simultaneously with the launch of Supra’s mainnet?

  • The private testnet begins
  • A public vote on the mainnet launch
  • The community is excluded from the blockchain
  • The Mainnet Token Generation Event (TGE)
  • The testnet is shut down

See also: A Newbie’s Guide to Testnets: Case Study of the Swisstronik Testnet

When Supra’s mainnet launches, it’s like the big day when everything they’ve been working on goes live. 

At the same time as this launch, they also have a special event called the Token Generation Event (TGE). This is when new tokens are created and made available to the community. 

It’s a big deal because these tokens can now be used or traded, marking the official start of Supra’s blockchain on the mainnet. So, the TGE happens right when the mainnet goes live.

Question 2: What is the primary purpose of a testnet?

  • To permanently store data
  • To allow users to trade tokens with real value
  • To store real assets securely
  • To replace the mainnet entirely
  • To serve as a testing ground to refine code before launching on mainnet

A testnet is like a practice area where developers can try out new code and ideas without affecting the real blockchain (mainnet). 

It’s not for storing real assets or trading tokens with real value. Instead, it’s where they can make sure everything works properly, fix any problems, and get things ready before going live on the mainnet. 

Think of it like rehearsing before a big performance—you want to make sure everything is perfect before the real event.

Question 3: What role does the community play in the testnet phase?

  • They replace developers in building the blockchain
  • They get to test new features, provide feedback, and help spot bugs
  • They can trade tokens with real value
  • They control the launch of the mainnet
  • They are excluded from the process

During the testnet phase, the community has an important role. They get to try out new features, see how everything works, and give feedback to the developers. They can also help find any problems or “bugs” in the system. This helps make sure the blockchain is in good shape before it goes live on the mainnet. 

The community are like extra eyes and hands helping to make everything better.

Supra Mission 67 Answers

Question 1: What is the purpose of the ‘recovery password’ in StarKey’s Split Key Recovery system?

  • To reset your wallet’s PIN
  • To access customer support
  • To log in to your email account
  • To access your wallet regularly
  • To encrypt and decrypt your split key files

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Imagine you have a treasure map that’s been split into pieces (the split key files). The recovery password is like a secret code that scrambles the pieces to keep them safe (encryption) and then unscrambles them when you need to put the map back together (decryption). Without this secret code, the map pieces are just jumbled and useless, and you can’t find your treasure (recover your account). 

The recovery password is crucial because it protects your key fragments and ensures that only you can unlock your account.

Question 2: What happens if you lose the recovery password for your StarKey wallet’s Split Key Recovery files?

  • You won’t be able to reassemble your key fragments and recover your account
  • Your assets are automatically transferred to another wallet
  • You can recover your account without the password
  • You can create a new recovery password easily
  • You can reset it through customer support

Question 3: What is required to recover your StarKey wallet using Split Key Recovery?

  • Three key fragments and the recovery password
  • Two key fragments and the recovery password
  • One key fragment and no password
  • Five key fragments and no password
  • Four key fragments and no password

The system is designed so that your recovery key is split into three pieces (key fragments). To unlock your wallet and recover your assets, you only need two out of these three fragments, plus the all-important recovery password.

Supra Mission 66 Answers

Question 1: What is the overall goal of the future features being added to StarKey?

  • To make the Web3 experience as seamless and secure as possible
  • To reduce the number of supported networks
  • To restrict access to certain dApps
  • To increase transaction fees
  • To eliminate multichain functionality

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The new features like Custom Gas Triggers, smart accounts, and expansion to hundreds of chains, are aimed at enhancing convenience, security, and utility for users.

Question 2: What is the primary purpose of StarKey’s Custom Gas Triggers?

  • To limit the number of transactions per day
  • To manually adjust transaction speeds
  • To track gas prices historically
  • To convert gas prices into different currencies
  • To execute transactions automatically when gas prices hit a predetermined level

Custom Gas Triggers allow you to set your transactions to automatically execute when the gas prices are just right, without needing to monitor the prices constantly. 

Question 3: What is a key feature of StarKey’s upcoming smart accounts?

  • They require manual recovery through customer support
  • They are limited to storing Ethereum tokens only
  • They can batch multiple transactions into a single one
  • They cannot be used for smart contract interactions
  • They rely on 36-word seed phrases for recovery

Smart accounts can combine several transactions into one, saving you time and reducing fees. This makes handling your transactions more efficient and convenient.

Supra Mission 65 Answers

Question 1: How does the Split Key Recovery feature enhance the security of your private keys?

  • By using three separate 4-word seed phrases
  • By storing the private key on a blockchain
  • By splitting the private key into three separate files stored in different places
  • By using a single 12-word seed phrase
  • By using facial recognition

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Imagine you have a treasure map that leads to your hidden treasure (your tokens). Instead of keeping the whole map in one place, you tear it into three pieces and hide each piece in a different location. This way, even if someone finds one piece, they can’t get to your treasure without the other two pieces.

StarKey does something similar with your private key. It splits your private key into three separate parts and allows you to store each part in different places, like on your computer, in a cloud drive, or with a trusted friend or family member. 

This means that even if a hacker gets hold of one part, they can’t access your wallet without the other two parts. It’s a smart way to keep your tokens safe from bad guys.

Question 2: Which of the following networks does StarKey support from day one, besides Supra’s Layer-1?

  • Litecoin and Dogecoin
  • Ethereum, Solana, Aptos, Sui, and tons of EVM chains
  • Tron and Tezos
  • Bitcoin and Ripple
  • Cardano and Polkadot

Question 3: Why is a multichain wallet like StarKey beneficial compared to single-chain wallets?

  • It has higher transaction fees
  • It requires multiple seed phrases
  • It allows management of assets across multiple chains from one place
  • It is harder to use
  • It supports only one blockchain network

Think of a multichain wallet like having a universal remote control that can operate your TV, DVD player, and sound system all at once. Instead of juggling multiple remotes for different devices, you use one remote to control everything. 

Similarly, with a multichain wallet like StarKey, you can manage your tokens and assets on different blockchain networks (like Ethereum, Solana, Aptos, Sui, etc.) all from one wallet. This makes it much easier to keep track of everything and simplifies your experience, especially as more blockchains and tokens become popular.

Supra Mission 64 Answers

Question 1: What is the primary function of a blockchain wallet?

  • Managing social media accounts
  • Storing private keys that give access to tokens on the blockchain
  • Centralizing blockchain transactions
  • Storing physical money
  • Printing new tokens

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Think of a blockchain wallet like a digital treasure chest. Instead of money, it holds secret codes called private keys. These keys let you access and use your digital money (tokens) on the internet. 

If someone else gets these keys, they can take your digital money. So, the wallet’s main job is to keep these keys safe.

Question 2: What is StarKey’s role in Supra’s Layer-1 blockchain network?

  • It’s a wallet that only supports the Supra Layer-1 blockchain
  • It’s a hardware wallet for offline storage
  • It’s a social media platform for blockchain enthusiasts
  • It’s a centralized exchange for trading Supra tokens
  • It’s the official wallet designed to claim and hold Supra tokens and explore the network

Question 3: Which of the following networks will StarKey support, besides Supra’s Layer-1?

  • Litecoin and Dogecoin
  • Tron and Tezos
  • Bitcoin and Ripple
  • Ethereum, Solana, Aptos, and Sui
  • Cardano and Polkadot

Supra Mission 63 Answers

Question 1: How long is the lockup duration for the limited time delegation plan?

  • 25 months
  • 15 months
  • 30 months
  • 20 months
  • 10 months

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Question 2: What is the primary benefit of Supra’s delegation plan compared to the standard vesting schedule?

  • Faster unlocking of all your tokens
  • No access to any tokens ever
  • Increased transaction fees
  • Less decentralized token distribution
  • Lower APY estimates

Instead of waiting for 30 months for your tokens to vest bit by bit, you can get all your tokens at once after 15 months.

Question 3: What are delegated block rewards?

  • They are another special airdrop
  • Tokens burned immediately after delegation
  • Network block reward emissions passed to delegators by node operators
  • Irregular network block rewards earned only by liquidity providers
  • Tips provided to node operators

Node operators pass on some of the network emissions they receive as block rewards to the contributors in their delegator pool. 

In other words, when you lock up your tokens with node operators who help run the network and they get rewards for doing their job, they share some of these rewards with you. These rewards are called delegated block rewards.

Supra Mission 62 Answers

Question 1: What is one of the key benefits of vesting for token holders?

  • It discourages long-term commitment
  • It encourages ongoing involvement in the project’s success
  • It helps them sell tokens unpredictably
  • It increases the complexity of token management
  • It limits the amount of tokens they can receive

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Vesting is designed to release tokens gradually over time instead of all at once. This gradual release encourages token holders, such as developers, backers, and community members, to stay involved and committed to the project over a longer period. 

By knowing that their tokens will be unlocked over time, they are motivated to contribute to the project’s success, aligning their interests with the long-term health and growth of the project. This helps ensure a stable and sustained development of the ecosystem.

Question 2: What is the primary purpose of token vesting in blockchain projects?

  • To increase transaction fees
  • To limit the number of tokens issued
  • To eliminate the need for smart contracts
  • To ensure long-term stability and prevent market flooding
  • To centralize control of tokens

Token vesting in blockchain projects refers to releasing tokens gradually over time according to a fixed schedule. This controlled release helps ensure long-term stability by preventing all tokens from being released at once, which could cause sudden price drops and market instability. 

By spreading out the release of tokens, projects can foster a more balanced and sustainable ecosystem, engaging a wider audience over time and aligning the interests of all stakeholders with the project’s long-term success.

Question 3: What alternative option does Supra offer to accelerate the unlocking of tokens?

  • Reducing the total number of tokens
  • Delegating tokens to a node operator to earn block rewards
  • Eliminating the vesting schedule entirely
  • Increasing transaction fees
  • Reducing the vesting period to one month

Supra offers an alternative where you can delegate your tokens to a node operator in the network. By doing this, you can unlock all your tokens faster, in just 15 months instead of the usual 30 months. 

These delegated tokens can also earn block rewards from the node operators, which you can unlock as you receive them. This makes it quicker and potentially more rewarding for you to get your tokens.

Supra Mission 61 Answers

Question 1: How does Supra’s advanced Layer-1 design empower developers to build Super dApps?

  • By reducing security measures
  • By centralizing all blockchain operations
  • By providing them with essential native tools on a powerful, scalable Layer-1
  • By limiting the number of transactions
  • By increasing transaction complexity

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Supra takes care of all the necessary tools and infrastructure that developers need by providing features like oracles, randomness, bridging, and automating transactions, all ready to use. This means developers can jump straight into creating their dApps without worrying about setting up complex systems. 

Also, Supra’s design ensures speed, security, and the ability to handle a large number of transactions efficiently, making it a powerful platform for building innovative and groundbreaking Super dApps.

Question 2: How does Supra’s Layer-1 simplify building dApps for devs?

  • By increasing their building costs and transaction fees
  • By offering a more centralized blockchain
  • By offering a smaller Layer-1 with limited dApps
  • By offering ready-to-use native tools for oracles, randomness, bridging, and automation
  • By increasing the complexity of smart contracts

Question 3: Which key features of Supra’s architecture ensure high performance and scalability for dApps?

  • High transaction fees and low latency
  • Centralized operations and increased complexity
  • Tribes and Clans execution sharding, dApp containers, and partial order-based parallel execution
  • Reduced security measures and limited throughput
  • Manual transaction processing and delayed execution

Supra’s architecture includes several advanced technologies to ensure that dApps run smoothly and efficiently. 

  • Execution sharding via Tribes and Clans allows transactions to be processed in parallel, increasing throughput and reducing latency. 
  • Containerized dApp execution ensures that each dApp runs in an isolated and efficient environment. 
  • Partial order-based parallel execution allows transactions to be processed simultaneously without conflicts, further enhancing performance and scalability. 

Supra Mission 60 Answers

Question: What critical elements do other blockchains that aim to be world computers typically lack?

  • High transaction fees and complexity
  • Native oracle data, cross-chain communication, and automation capabilities
  • Centralized control and limited functionality
  • High latency and speculative execution
  • Slow transaction processing and limited scalability

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Other blockchains that aim to be world computers typically lack native oracle data, cross-chain communication, and automation capabilities.

Native Oracle Data: Many blockchains can’t directly fetch real-world data (like weather or stock prices) for use in their dApps. They need external help to get this data, making things slower and less reliable.

Cross-Chain Communication: These blockchains often struggle to interact with other blockchains. For example, an app on one blockchain might find it hard to communicate with or use services from another blockchain, like Ethereum or Solana.

Automation Capabilities: Many blockchains lack built-in tools to automatically execute tasks based on specific conditions, which limits their efficiency and the range of applications they can support.

Supra addresses these gaps by providing integrated oracles for real-time data, cross-chain communication protocols, and native automation capabilities, making it more capable of functioning as a true world computer.

Question 2: How do Supra’s integrated oracles contribute to its role as a world computer?

  • By eliminating the need for smart contracts
  • By centralizing data storage
  • By providing real-time data feeds directly on-chain
  • By reducing scalability
  • By increasing transaction fees

Supra Mission 59 Answers

Question 1: What is the main purpose of Supra’s partial order based parallel execution?

  • To increase transaction fees
  • To reduce the need for smart contracts
  • To enhance the efficiency of transaction processing
  • To limit the number of transactions
  • To increase the complexity of transaction ordering

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Supra’s partial order based parallel execution is designed to make the blockchain faster and more efficient. 

Instead of processing transactions one by one in a strict order (which can be slow), it analyzes which transactions depend on each other. Transactions that don’t depend on each other can be processed at the same time (in parallel). 

This approach speeds up the entire process and makes the network more efficient.

Question 2: How does Supra’s partial order based parallel execution differ from Solana’s approach?

  • It increases transaction sizes by 300%
  • It slows down data dissemination across the network
  • It eliminates the need for transaction ordering
  • It relies on pre-analyzed access specifications to avoid bloating transactions
  • It is a speculative parallel execution approach

Supra’s method involves analyzing smart contracts ahead of time to figure out which parts of the blockchain storage each transaction will use. This pre-analysis allows Supra to execute non-conflicting transactions simultaneously without adding a lot of extra data to each transaction. 

In contrast, Solana’s method includes read-write sets in each transaction, which can increase transaction sizes by 300% and slow down the network. 

Supra’s approach keeps transactions smaller and more efficient, enhancing data dissemination and overall network performance.

Question 3: What is one of the key benefits of partial order based parallel execution over speculative execution techniques?

  • It limits the number of transactions that can be processed
  • It involves guesswork and potential rollbacks
  • It requires re-execution cycles
  • It requires more computational resources
  • It ensures deterministic outcomes by knowing exactly which transactions can be executed in parallel without conflict

Speculative execution techniques involve making guesses about which transactions can be executed in parallel, which can sometimes lead to errors. This means they might have to roll back and re-execute transactions if conflicts are found later. 

On the other hand, Supra’s partial order based parallel execution uses a deterministic approach. This means it knows ahead of time which transactions can be executed in parallel without causing conflicts, ensuring consistent and predictable results.

Supra Mission 58 Answers

Question 1: What is the role of the Partial Execution algorithm in Supra’s parallel execution strategy?

  • It eliminates the need for transaction ordering
  • It decreases the responsiveness of dApps
  • It increases the complexity of transaction ordering
  • It optimizes how transactions are ordered, speeding up parallel execution
  • It reduces the volume of transactions the network can handle

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The Partial Execution algorithm in Supra’s parallel execution strategy helps to figure out the order of transactions more efficiently. 

In a blockchain, transactions need to be processed in a specific order, but this algorithm can automate a lot of that work. By knowing which smart contracts a transaction involves, it can speed up the ordering process.

Think of it like organizing a line of people quickly by knowing where each person should go.

This allows the network to handle a large number of transactions quickly and ensures that dApps run smoothly and efficiently. This makes the blockchain faster and more responsive.

Question 2: What is the main goal of parallel execution in blockchain?

  • To decrease the security of transactions
  • To reduce the need for smart contracts
  • To increase the cost of transactions
  • To make transactions more complex
  • To minimize the end-to-end latency of transactions

The main goal of parallel execution in blockchain is to make transactions happen faster. 

It’s like having multiple checkout lines in a store instead of just one, so more people can pay for their items at the same time. This reduces the wait time from when you start a transaction to when it is completed and confirmed on the blockchain.

Question 3: How does Supra’s Tribes and Clans design contribute to parallel execution?

  • By reducing the number of nodes in the network
  • By increasing the transaction fees
  • By sharding the node network into sub-committees called Clans
  • By combining all nodes into a single committee
  • By eliminating the need for sub-committees

Supra’s Tribes and Clans design breaks the network into smaller groups called Clans. 

Think of it like dividing a big group of people into smaller teams, each handling different tasks at the same time. This way, multiple transactions can be processed at once without everyone getting in each other’s way, making the whole system faster and more efficient.

Supra Mission 57 Answers

Question 1: How do Supra Containers enhance the efficiency of dApp operations?

  • By increasing dependency on external data sources
  • By reducing the need for smart contracts
  • By bundling all necessary smart contracts and protocols into one cohesive unit
  • By providing only a limited set of features
  • By eliminating on-chain automation

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Think of Supra Containers like a toolkit that has everything a dApp needs in one place. So, instead of spreading out and relying on multiple external sources, Supra Containers gather all the important pieces (smart contracts and protocols) together. 

This means the dApp can run more smoothly and efficiently because all its parts are always connected and work well together. It’s like having a perfectly organized kitchen where a chef can find everything they need right away, making cooking faster and easier. 

Question 2: What is one of the key features of Supra Containers?

  • They provide a disconnected network from the main Layer-1
  • They eliminate the need for smart contracts
  • They require extensive external data sources
  • They increase the complexity of dApp management
  • They bundle all necessary smart contracts into one cohesive unit

Supra Containers gather all the smart contracts and protocols that a dApp needs into a single, organized package. This makes it easier for the dApp to function efficiently and ensures that everything works together seamlessly. 

It’s like having all the tools and ingredients you need for cooking in one convenient place, so you don’t have to search around and can work more efficiently.

Question 3: What is one of the main advantages of Supra Containers for dApp developers?

  • They require more resources than traditional appchains
  • They disconnect from the Layer-1 network
  • They offer no control over dApp environments
  • They allow developers to set their own governance rules and transaction fees
  • They eliminate the need for on-chain randomness

Supra Containers give developers the flexibility to create and manage their dApps in a customized environment. 

This means developers can set their own rules for how their dApp operates, including governance rules (how decisions are made) and transaction fees (the cost to use the dApp). This level of control helps developers create innovative and efficient dApps tailored to their specific needs and business models.

Supra Mission 56 Answers

Question 1: How do dApps benefit from Supra’s native integration of their oracle protocol and its data feeds into Supra’s Layer-1 chain?

  • Provides real-time data in every block
  • Eliminated the need for smart contracts altogether
  • Limits scalability
  • Increases dependency on external networks
  • Introduces more latency

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Supra’s integration means that the data feeds from oracles are directly embedded into the Layer-1 blockchain. This means decentralized applications (dApps) can immediately access the most current data with each block produced by the blockchain.

Question 2: In the Tribes and Clans network model, what are different clans responsible for?

  • Generating random numbers only
  • Setting network policies only
  • Handling different operations like oracle data feeds and smart contracts
  • Mining new blocks only
  • Managing user accounts only

Supra’s Tribes and Clans network is designed to enhance the functionality and efficiency of the blockchain. 

The entire network of nodes, called the Tribe, is divided into smaller groups called Clans. Each Clan has specialized tasks. For instance, some Clans handle oracle data feeds and verifiable randomness, while others operate virtual machines and execute smart contracts. 

This organization allows for continuous state awareness and seamless data flow between Clans, ensuring that all parts of the network work together efficiently and securely.

Question 3: What is one of the key impacts of having data in every block for a DeFi dApp?

  • Higher risk of security breaches
  • Real-time responsiveness and precision
  • Less accurate data
  • Increased transaction fees
  • Slower transaction speeds

Having data available in every block means that a DeFi dApp can immediately access the latest information as each block is created. This allows the application to react instantly to any changes in data, such as price updates, ensuring that all operations are handled with high accuracy and speed. 

This real-time data flow enhances the overall performance and user experience of the dApp, making it more efficient and precise. 

Supra Mission 55 Answers

Question 1: What does MultiVM support allow developers to do on Supra’s Layer-1?

  • Run only EVM smart contracts
  • Run only MoveVM contracts
  • Run multiple VMs environments across clans
  • Run only SolanaVM contracts
  • Run only CosmWasm contracts

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MultiVM support on Supra’s Layer-1 means that different clans (sub-committees of nodes) can run different virtual machines (VMs) simultaneously. This allows developers to use various programming languages and ecosystems on the same blockchain network. 

For instance, one clan can run Ethereum smart contracts, another can handle MoveVM for languages like Sui-Move and Aptos-Move, another can manage SolanaVM, and another can execute CosmWasm contracts. 

This flexibility and compatibility enable developers from diverse blockchain ecosystems to build on Supra.

Question 2: How does the MultiVM support benefit builders from various ecosystems?

  • By limiting their access to certain clans
  • By increasing transaction costs
  • By slowing down development processes
  • By forcing them to learn a new programming language or VM
  • By allowing them to build without language or VM constraints

With MultiVM support, Supra’s Layer-1 blockchain can run multiple virtual machine environments across different clans. 

This means that developers from different blockchain ecosystems, such as Ethereum, Solana, Cosmos, and others, can build on Supra without needing to learn a new programming language or adapt to a new virtual machine. 

They can use their preferred languages and VMs, making the development process faster, more efficient, and more accessible.

Question 3: What is the purpose of execution sharding in Supra’s network?

  • To slow down transaction speeds
  • To increase transaction fees
  • To handle different operations across various clans simultaneously
  • To limit scalability
  • To decrease security

Execution sharding divides the network into smaller groups called clans, with each handling a different job or running a different virtual machine environment. This way, the network can do many things at once, making it faster and able to handle more work.

For example, one clan might run Ethereum smart contracts, another might handle SolanaVM, and another might manage oracle services. 

By spreading out the workload and allowing different clans to operate concurrently, the network can process more transactions at a faster rate without compromising on security.

Supra Mission 54 Answers

Question 1: What role does Supra’s MultiVM compatibility play in the development of Super dApps?

  • It limits the choice of programming languages for developers
  • It increases the complexity of building dApps
  • It restricts developers to a single blockchain ecosystem
  • It reduces transaction speeds and efficiency
  • It opens the door for builders to join Supra from across all Web3 ecosystems

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Think of Supra’s MultiVM compatibility like a big door that opens up to let builders from all over Web3 come in and work together. 

It doesn’t limit what they can do or make things more complicated. Instead, it makes it easier for them to team up and use different tools and languages to create awesome Super dApps. 

Question 2: What distinguishes Super dApps from traditional decentralized applications?

  • They have slower transaction speeds compared to traditional dApps
  • They do not offer seamless user interactions
  • They rely solely on external networks for crucial components
  • They lack scalability and security features
  • They are built on Supra’s fully vertically integrated Layer-1 blockchain

Traditional decentralized applications (dApps) often have to rely on external networks for important stuff like security, oracles, cross-chain communication, and automation. But Super dApps are different because they’re built on Supra’s Layer-1 blockchain, which means they have access to all the necessary components and services directly from the Supra Network. 

This makes them more powerful and efficient compared to traditional dApps because they don’t have to depend on external networks for crucial components.

Question 3: What is a key advantage of Supra’s fully vertically integrated Layer-1 blockchain for developers?

  • Dependence on external providers for crucial components
  • High latency in transaction processing
  • Lack of support for MultiVM capabilities
  • Lightning-fast speeds, unparalleled security, and multiple oracle services built into Supra itself
  • Limited scalability and security features

Firstly, it provides lightning-fast transaction speeds, meaning actions happen quickly on the network. 

Secondly, it offers unparalleled security, ensuring that transactions and data are safe and protected. 

Thirdly, Supra has multiple oracle services built right into it, meaning developers don’t have to rely on external providers for important components like data feeds. 

These advantages make Supra’s blockchain a powerful tool for developers looking to build high-performing Super dApps.

Supra Mission 53 Answers

Question 1: How does Supra make it easier and simpler for developers to build Web3?

  • By simplifying the process of building enhanced dApps with a vertically integrated Layer-1
  • By stitching together multiple external networks to answer the needs of dApps
  • By building a new single-purpose smart contract platform Layer-1
  • By offering consulting services for blockchain startups
  • By building a blockchain that specialized in only oracles

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Supra combines all the tools and services developers need, like oracles, cross-chain communications, automation, and randomness, into one self-contained system. 

So instead of developers having to stitch together different external networks like a puzzle, they can just use Supra’s platform to access everything they need in one place. This makes building dApps faster, more efficient, and less complicated.

Question 2: What term is used to describe Supra’s approach to bringing all developer tools onto a single platform?

  • Lateral integration
  • Vertical integration
  • Parallel integration
  • Diagonal integration
  • Horizontal integration

Question 3: What does Supra mean by a fully vertically integrated Layer-1?

  • A Layer-1 blockchain that is designed specifically only for gaming apps
  • A Layer-1 blockchain that specialized in only oracles
  • A Layer-1 blockchain that is built solely for DeFi apps
  • A Layer-1 blockchain with essential developer tools and services integrated natively
  • A Layer-1 blockchain that focuses solely on modular components

What Supra means by a fully vertically integrated Layer-1 is a Layer-1 blockchain with essential developer tools and services integrated natively. 

It’s like having a complete toolbox built into the first layer of the blockchain, so developers don’t have to go searching for different tools from various places. They can find everything they need right there on the base layer of the blockchain itself. 

Supra Mission 52 Answers

Question 1: Which blockchains can affiliates look to for referring dApps to use Supra’s services?

  • Only Layer-1s
  • Any major blockchain mainnet where Supra’s services are live
  • Only specific appchains
  • Only a select few chains
  • Only Layer-2s

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Question 2: Which early integration program allows affiliates to earn $1,500 for every project referred to use Supra’s services?

  • Supra Affiliate Bonus Scheme
  • Supra Rewards Program
  • Supra Network Activate Program (SNAP)
  • Supra Partnership Rewards
  • Supra Referral Incentive Initiative

The Supra Network Activate Program (SNAP) rewards affiliates with $500 in USDC and $1,000 worth of $SUPRA tokens at the day’s valuation for each successful referral. 

Question 3: What kind of dApps can use Supra’s services today?

  • Only gaming and DeFi dApps
  • Only gaming projects
  • Only DeFi dApps
  • Any dApp that needs oracle price feeds or verifiable randomness across 80+ chains
  • Only dApps built on Ethereum

Supra Mission 51 Answers

Question 1: What is the recommended approach when reaching out to potential projects?

  • Sending unsolicited emails with referral links
  • Posting referral links in public Discord channels without permission
  • Spamming messages across all social media platforms
  • Avoiding direct communication with projects
  • Contacting projects politely via professional platforms like Linkedln, Telegram, Discord, etc

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Question 2: What is the primary purpose of Supra Affiliates?

  • To offer legal consultations for Web3 startups
  • To facilitate connections between blockchain developers and investors
  • To provide marketing services for blockchain projects
  • To reward Supra’s community for contributing to the Supra ecosystem’s growth
  • To organize community events for blockchain enthusiasts

Question 3: How can individuals earn bounties worth $1,500 through Supra Affiliates?

  • By referring projects to use Supra’s oracle price feeds and dVRF services via SNAP
  • By participating in Supra’s webinar series
  • By completing online courses on blockchain technology
  • By purchasing Supra tokens
  • By contributing to Supra’s GitHub repositories

Supra Mission 50 Answers

Question 1: What is the primary focus of Supra’s Million Dollar Bitcoin DeFi Accelerator?

  • Facilitating gaming projects on the Ethereum blockchain
  • Supporting growth of dApps on Bitcoin Layer-2 networks
  • Supporting Ethereum-based DeFi projects
  • Enhancing scalability of traditional financial systems

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Supra’s Million Dollar Bitcoin DeFi Accelerator is aimed at boosting the development and expansion of decentralized applications (dApps) specifically on Bitcoin Layer-2 networks. These Layer-2 networks are built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain and are designed to enhance its capabilities, including scalability and efficiency.

Question 2: What is the incentive for individuals to refer Bitcoin Layer-2 dApps to Supra?

  • Financial reward of $1,500 per referral
  • Access to exclusive merchandise
  • Participation in a lottery
  • Recognition in a hall of fame

Question 3: What role does Supra play in supporting Bitcoin Layer-2 dApps?

  • Offering oracles and verifiable randomness services
  • Providing marketing services
  • Offering mining hardware
  • Offering legal consultations

Supra helps Bitcoin’s Layer-2 dApps by providing services like oracles (which help with getting information from outside the blockchain) and verifiable randomness (which helps make sure things are fair). 

Supra Mission 49 Answers

Question 1: Which upgrade to Bitcoin’s code enabled new possibilities for Layer-2 solutions?

  • Taproot
  • Sharding
  • Byzantine Fault Tolerance
  • Proof of Authority
  • Directed Acyclic Graphs

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Taproot unlocked a new door for Bitcoin, allowing for more complex operations like running NFTs and virtual machines on Layer-2s. It’s like giving Bitcoin a superpower boost to do more things beyond just being a calculator.

Question 2: How does Supra support Bitcoin Layer- 2 networks?

  • By providing mining rewards
  • By offering oracle services
  • By deploying validator nodes
  • It does not support Bitcoin Layer-2s
  • By providing game development toolkits

Supra helps Bitcoin Layer-2 networks by providing important information through something called oracle services. These services make sure that the data needed for different functions, like DeFi, is accurate and safe. 

So, Supra’s job is to make sure these networks work well by giving them the right information they need.

Question 3: What kind of dApps does Supra’s Million Dollar Bitcoin Accelerator support?

  • DeFi dApps built on any Layer-1 blockchain
  • DeFi dApps built on Ethereum mainnet only
  • DeFi dApps built on Solana
  • Off-chain dApps that use Bitcoin as a currency
  • DeFi dApps built on any Bitcoin Layer-2s

Supra Mission 48 Answers

Question 1: What does the collateralization rate determine in Supra’s PoEL Protocol?

  • The fees charged for transactions in the AMM
  • The number of LP tokens issued to liquidity providers
  • The total value of all assets on Supra
  • The amount of staking tokens allocated to liquidity providers of a given liquidity pool

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Imagine you have a bunch of different assets you want to put into Supra’s liquidity pools to earn rewards. 

The collateralization rate helps decide how many staking tokens you’ll get in return for providing liquidity. These staking tokens are important because they allow you to earn additional rewards by staking them. So, the collateralization rate tells you how much of these tokens you’ll receive based on the type of assets you contribute. 

It’s all about making sure everyone gets a fair share of rewards for their contribution to the network’s security and efficiency.

Question 2: How does Supra’s Proof of Efficient Liquidity (PoEL) Protocol attract the right digital assets to achieve its objectives?

  • By adjusting rewards, interest rates, and collateralization rates based on user activity and asset quality
  • By setting flat interest rates for all assets
  • By limiting rewards to a single asset type
  • By offering fixed staking rewards for all types of assets

Imagine you have a garden, and you want to attract the right kind of birds. You might put out different types of seeds and change how much you put out depending on which birds you want to come. 

Similarly, the PoEL Protocol changes the rewards and other benefits it offers based on what kind of digital assets people are using and how much they’re using them. This way, it encourages people to bring in the digital assets that help the network the most, just like how putting out different seeds attracts the birds you want in your garden.

Question 3: How does Supra’s PoEL Protocol incentivize users to provide more stable assets?

  • By allocating more staking tokens to liquidity providers of stable assets
  • By providing fixed rewards regardless of asset type
  • By excluding volatile assets from participating in the protocol altogether
  • By offering higher rewards for assets with low market demand

Supra’s PoEL Protocol incentivizes users to provide more stable assets by allocating more staking tokens to liquidity providers of stable assets.

Think of it like earning extra points for bringing in sturdy building blocks to a construction site. Stable assets are like the strong, reliable blocks, while volatile assets are like the weak ones. So, the protocol gives more rewards (points) to people who bring in the strong blocks because they help make the building (the network) stronger and more secure. 

It’s like saying, “Hey, thanks for bringing those strong blocks! Here are some extra points for helping out.” This encourages people to bring in more stable assets because they get more rewards for doing so.

Supra Mission 47 Answers

Question 1: What does “desirable capital” mean in Supra’s PoEL Protocol?

  • Assets that bring resilience against devaluation and are in high demand for trading
  • Capital whose value is extremely volatile and unpredictable
  • Capital that is only useful for staking
  • Assets with low-demand from AMM users

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In Supra’s PoEL Protocol, “desirable capital” refers to assets that are valuable for two main reasons:

1. Resilience Against Devaluation: These assets are strong and stable, meaning their value doesn’t swing wildly up and down. They’re like rocks in a storm, keeping steady even when market conditions are uncertain.

2. High Demand for Trading: These assets are also popular among traders in Supra’s cross-chain AMM. People want to trade them because they’re reliable and widely accepted.

In simpler terms, “desirable capital” in Supra’s PoEL Protocol means money that’s strong and steady, and lots of people want to use it for trading. It’s like having gold coins instead of sand dollars at the beach – they hold their value better, and everyone wants them.

Question 2: What is the primary purpose of Supra’s Proof of Efficient Liquidity Protocol?

  • Attract capital only for staking
  • To increase the speed of transaction processing
  • Getting liquidity only for a centralized exchange platform
  • To maximize utility of capital across both network security and AMM

The PoEL Protocol aims to make the most out of the money people put into Supra’s system. It ensures that the capital isn’t just sitting around doing nothing, but rather actively helping to secure the network and keep the trading system running smoothly.

Question 3: How does Supra’s PoEL Protocol bring unique protection against weakening of the network security due to devaluation of staked assets?

  • By relying solely on the native token for security
  • By distributing tokens to everyone
  • By reducing the need for liquidity in the AMM
  • By incentivizing limited diversification of the asset base staked in the network

Instead of relying only on the native token (like $SUPRA) for security, Supra’s PoEL Protocol spreads out the risk by allowing a variety of assets to be used for staking. This means if one asset loses value, it won’t hurt the network as much because there are other assets backing it up.

It’s like having different types of superheroes protecting a city instead of just one – if something happens to one superhero, the others can still save the day. Similarly, by diversifying the assets used for staking, Supra’s PoEL Protocol helps protect the network from the negative effects of one asset losing value.

Supra Mission 46 Answers

Question 1: How does Supra’s Proof of Efficient Liquidity protocol boost the network’s security?

  • It integrates assets submitted to liquidity pools to diversify the asset base of network security
  • It eliminates the need for network security capital base
  • It limits the network security to the native staking token
  • It offers short-term incentives to bolster staked capital for security

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Normally, PoS blockchains use only their native token to secure the network. But with Supra’s Proof of Efficient Liquidity (PoEL) protocol, Supra combines its native token with assets from liquidity pools for security. 

This makes the network stronger because it’s not just relying on one type of asset for security.

Question 2: How does Supra’s Proof of Efficient Liquidity protocol offer dual-rewards for token contributors to the network?

  • It makes them pick one of either staking rewards or AMM fees
  • It reduces their share of AMM fees for borrowing staked token
  • It takes away AMM fees if LPs borrow staking token
  • It helps them earn both AMM fees and staking rewards with the same capital

If you contribute your tokens to Supra’s network, you can earn money from both fees charged on trades in the AMM and rewards for helping to secure the network. It’s like getting paid twice for the same work.

Question 3: Which elements of Supra’s blockchain does the Proof of Efficient Liquidity protocol revolutionize?

  • The accuracy of data on the blockchain
  • Cross-chain interoperability of the network
  • Capital efficiency of the network’s cross-chain AMM and staking mechanism
  • The TPS and throughput of the blockchain

Supra ensures the tokens people contribute to its network are used in the smartest and most effective way possible by using them to both trade assets and secure the network. So, instead of just sitting there idle, the tokens can do more things at the same time, which is really cool.

Supra Mission 45 Answers

Question 1: What is the role of validators in a Proof of Stake (PoS) network?

  • Providing liquidity
  • Attracting liquidity
  • Confirming transactions
  • Creating smart contracts

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The role of validators in a Proof of Stake (PoS) network is confirming transactions. They are like the guardians of the blockchain, making sure that transactions are legit and adding them to the blockchain securely.

Question 2: Why is attracting staked capital crucial for the security of a PoS blockchain?

  • To increase transaction throughput
  • To secure the blockchain and its database of transactions
  • To maximize short-term gains
  • To eliminate liquidity providers

Attracting staked capital is super important for a Proof of Stake (PoS) blockchain to stay safe and secure. 

When people stake their capital, it’s like they’re putting it up as a guarantee to make sure all the transactions are legit and nobody can mess with them. The more money staked, the more difficult it becomes for bad eggs to tamper with the blockchain transactions or disrupt the network.

Question 3: How does Supra’s Proof of Efficient Liquidity (PoEL) model differ from traditional approaches in attracting staked capital?

  • By relying on short-term incentive programs
  • By offering higher block rewards
  • By reducing the scope for liquidity providers
  • By letting AMM liquidity providers stake their locked liquidity

Instead of just relying on block rewards or short-term incentives, Supra encourages liquidity providers to use their locked assets to help secure the network, making it more secure and sustainable in the long run.

Supra Mission 44 Answers

Question 1: What upcoming Supra service combines the power of Supra Oracles and HyperNova to automate complex cross-chain transactions?

  • Supra Moonshot Protocol
  • Supra Web3 Wallet
  • Supra block-scanner
  • Supra’s automation network

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Question 2: Besides smart contract platforms, what essential services do apps need that Supra gives devs which traditional blockchains don’t?

  • Native oracles, randomness, cross-chain comms, and automation
  • Automation and oracles only
  • Native oracles only
  • Cross-chain communications only

Question 3: How is Supra simplifying the journey for developers, as mentioned in the mission?

  • By introducing a complex modular network design
  • By exclusively offering only one blockchain service
  • By providing a unified stack with vertical integration of multiple blockchain services
  • By building siloed services for each blockchain function

Supra is making things easier for developers by putting all the important stuff they need for building on the blockchain in one place. Instead of developers having to search all over for different tools, Supra gives them everything they need together in one package.

Supra Mission 43 Answers

Question 1: What is a key benefit of building with Supra’s vertically integrated super chain?

  • Need to assemble modular chains with specific niches
  • Lack of specialized components or in-built services
  • Seamless integration of services with uniform security guarantees
  • Disjunct services with varying security

The best thing about using Supra’s all-in-one super chain is that it puts everything you need together in one place, like a supercomputer ready to go. 

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This means developers don’t have to worry about juggling different parts or services with different levels of security. It’s like having all your tools in one toolbox instead of scattered all over the place. 

So, the main benefit is that everything works together smoothly and safely, making life easier for developers and users alike.

Question 2: How does Supra’s ultimate super chain differ from modular chains?

  • Supra’s chain only does one thing
  • Supra integrates all essential services and functions into one network
  • Supra’s chain is limited to specific functions
  • Supra’s chain needs to use external cross-chain communications protocols

Unlike modular chains, which are like individual computer chips designed for specific tasks, Supra’s super chain combines everything you need into one big network. 

It’s like having a Swiss Army knife with all the tools in one instead of carrying around separate tools for different jobs.

So, with Supra, you get all the important stuff in a single network, making things simpler and easier for everyone involved.

Question 3: What is the key benefit of Supra’s ultimate super chain for developers?

  • Fragmented services
  • A disjunct development journey
  • Harmonized stack for building dApps
  • Increased latency

Supra’s ultimate super chain provides developers with a harmonized stack, which means all the tools they need for building decentralized applications (dApps) work together seamlessly. 

It’s like having all the ingredients for baking a cake perfectly organized and ready to use. 

This makes the development process smoother and more efficient for developers, allowing them to focus on creating innovative dApps without getting bogged down by compatibility issues or unnecessary complications.

Supra Mission 42 Answers

Question 1: What is the ultimate goal of Supra’s grand design for the blockchain?

  • To create more layers of independent services with their own security
  • To build multiple disjunct single-purpose blockchains
  • To integrate all qualities and services into one super chain
  • To add latency and security risks via standalone services

Supra’s big goal is to make one super-duper blockchain that has everything in it. 

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They want to put together all the good stuff like speed, security, and the ability to work with other blockchains. Instead of having lots of separate pieces, they want to make it all one big piece, providing devs with everything they need in one place.

This way, it’s easier for devs to do their job without needing to worry about finding different services from all over the place.

Question 2: What does Supra aim to do with its ultimate super chain?

  • Introducing more disjunct developer journeys
  • Creating a vertically integrated all-in-one blockchain
  • Increasing latency and security risks
  • Creating more fragmented chains and services

Supra aims to create a vertically integrated all-in-one blockchain. 

This means they want to build a single, comprehensive blockchain that includes everything developers need to create decentralized applications (dApps). 

They’re not interested in making things more complicated with separate pieces; instead, they want to simplify the process by putting everything together in one place.

Question 3: What is the significance of vertical integration in Supra’s design?

  • It slows down the development process for devs
  • It adds complexity to the blockchain developer experience
  • It gives devs a simpler all-in-one platform to build on
  • It creates more disjointed services without shared security

Vertical integration in Supra’s design gives developers a simpler all-in-one platform to build on. 

Instead of making things complicated by having different parts scattered around, Supra puts everything together in one place, making it easier for developers to create their projects. 

So, vertical integration is important because it makes the whole process smoother and less complicated for developers.

Supra Mission 41 Answers

Question 1: How does Supra’s Web3 automation handle cross-chain conditions?

  • Using an external system of intermediaries and validators.
  • With Supra’s natively integrated cross-chain communication via HyperNova.
  • Through centralized infrastructure and external triggers.
  • By creating a separate network of nodes for each blockchain.

Supra’s Web3 automation handles cross-chain conditions by using its built-in communication system called HyperNova. 

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Imagine HyperNova like a special messenger that Supra’s blockchain uses to talk directly to other blockchains. This means Supra doesn’t need to ask for help from outside helpers or validators to communicate with other blockchains.

Question 2: What does Supra’s Web3 automation aim to become a headquarters for?

  • Siloed Smart Contracts
  • Centralized Crypto Exchanges
  • Cross-chain DeFi and Automation
  • Building Layer 3 Blockchains

Supra wants to be the main place where people can handle financial activities and automate transactions across different blockchains. It aims to make these activities more efficient and accessible by connecting different blockchains.

Think of it like a central hub where you can do all sorts of financial stuff, like trading assets, lending, borrowing, etc, but across multiple blockchains.

Question 3: How does Supra’s Web3 automation differ from other off-chain automation mechanisms?

  • It is not accessible for everyone.
  • It relies on a separate external network of nodes.
  • It integrates natively into Supra’s Layer 1, oracle, and HyperNova.
  • It uses centralized bots.

Supra’s Web3 automation is different from other off-chain automation because it’s built right into Supra’s main system. 

Think of it as a part of Supra’s brain and nervous system, so it doesn’t need to rely on external networks or separate bots. It’s a superpower that’s built right into Supra itself, so it doesn’t need to call for help from outside, making it easy to use and super efficient. 

Supra Mission 40 Answers

Question 1: Why does Supra’s vertical integration matter for blockchain development?

  • It adds more difficulties for developers
  • It increases latency
  • It adds security risks
  • It provides a seamless developer experience

Supra’s vertical integration matters for blockchain development because it makes things easier for developers. 

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Instead of dealing with lots of different complicated parts, Supra puts everything together in one simple package. This means developers don’t have to worry about managing lots of different things or facing extra challenges. 

It’s like having all the ingredients for a recipe in one easy-to-use box. So, Supra’s way of doing things makes life simpler for developers, which is really important for making better blockchain technology.

Question 2: What network design breakthrough does Supra utilize for its multi-service integration?

  • Asteroids and Comets
  • Tribes and Clans
  • Constellations and Stars
  • Satellites and Probes

Supra’s Tribes and Clans setup involves different teams (called tribes and clans) of workers (nodes) that constantly change who they work with. It’s like having a group of workers where the members change so frequently that no one can plan anything tricky together. 

So, Supra’s use of Tribes and Clans enables it to integrate various services effectively and efficiently while keeping everything safe and organized, paving the way for an evolution of Layer 1 chains.

Question 3: What is the core consensus technology that powers the Supra network?

  • Jolteon consensus
  • Tendermint consensus
  • Starlight consensus
  • Moonshot consensus

The core consensus technology that powers the Supra network is the Moonshot consensus which outperforms the current leading consensus mechanisms in two ways. 

  • It’s 54% faster when it comes to finality latency—the speed at which transactions are confirmed
  • It’s 40% better in block throughput—the number of transactions that can be processed per second

This means Moonshot is a significant improvement in speed and efficiency compared to the existing consensus mechanisms.

Supra Mission 39 Answers

Question 1: How will Supra encourage dApps to access their services?

  • Free access to services by staking in-demand tokens
  • Increasing fees for oracle services over time
  • Accepting only $SUPRA token in liquidity
  • Higher service fees for liquidity providers

Supra is rolling out the red carpet for dApps, letting them access services without reaching into their pockets directly. Instead of paying with traditional fees like oracles or dVRF, these dApps can just stake their in-demand tokens. 

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It’s like bringing a special ticket to the party, and if the liquidity’s flowing right, they might even walk away with some extra loot. So, the key here is staking those tokens for a free ride on Supra’s services. 

Question 2: Why is liquidity is crucial in Web3?

  • To create centralized control
  • To decrease user adoption
  • To increase transaction costs
  • To enable smooth asset exchange

Imagine Web3 as a bustling town with people trading their assets left and right. Liquidity is like the grease that keeps the wheels of trading turning smoothly. 

It’s all about making sure people can easily swap their digital goodies for a fair price without hiccups. When there’s enough liquidity, it’s like a well-oiled machine – assets change hands seamlessly, and everyone’s happy. 

So, in the wild world of Web3, liquidity is the secret sauce that keeps the exchange dance going without any awkward fumbles. 

Question 3: What is the primary incentive for node operators to provide liquidity?

  • Decreased block rewards
  • Increased token supply
  • Earning both block rewards and liquidity fee-share
  • Token giveaways

So, the main reason those node operators toss their stuff into the liquidity mix is because they get two kinds of rewards:

  1. Block rewards: Like finding gold nuggets while doing their job.
  2. Liquidity fee-share: Imagine getting a slice of the pie every time someone swaps their digital goods in the Web3 marketplace.

So, it’s like doing a job and getting paid in gold nuggets and a slice of every trade pie. Now, who wouldn’t want that!

Supra Mission 38 Answers

Question 1: Why does Supra anticipate service fees for protocols like oracle and VRF to decline in the long run?

  • A shift towards closed-source protocols
  • Competition from other blockchain services
  • The inevitable trend in tech towards lower fees for services
  • They don’t think services fees will decline

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Supra believes that as their cool tech becomes more widespread and open-source, fees for these services in the blockchain world will likely follow the trend of going down.

Question 2: How does the Supra network plan to generate revenue in the future?

  • Generating revenue from cross-chain liquidity
  • Service fees on open-source protocols
  • Charging users for using the network
  • Through mining operations

Instead of relying solely on service fees for open-source protocols, Supra wants to make money by providing liquidity to various ecosystems, protocols, and big-time players in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. 

Question 3: Who benefits from Supra’s cross-chain liquidity network?

  • Only liquidity providers
  • Only dApp builders
  • Only the Supra network
  • Liquidity providers, dApp builders, and the Supra network

Everyone gets a piece of the good stuff. The folks who share their assets (liquidity providers), the ones creating cool stuff (dApp builders), and even the host of the show (Supra network) all benefit from Supra’s cross-chain liquidity network.

Supra Mission 37 Answers

Question 1: How does Supra’s DFMM differ from traditional AMMs?

  • DFMM integrates cross-chain liquidity networks and oracles
  • DFMM is limited to a single-chain environment
  • DFMM increases impermanent loss in trades
  • DFMM relies on centralized price data

Supra’s DFMM can connect and get information from many different places in Web3, not just its neighbourhood. This makes it more powerful because it’s not stuck on one planet (chain); it can go across planets (blockchains) to get reliable info and provide users with the best trading experience.

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On the other hand, traditional AMMs are like regular folks who can only stay in their neighbourhood (chain). They don’t have the superpower to explore and connect to other places.

Question 2: How does Supra’s DFMM and its cross-chain DEX benefit DeFi traders?

  • They limit trading to just one blockchain ecosystem
  • More accurate prices with maximum trading speed and efficiency
  • They enable trading of fewer number of assets
  • They silo down trading systems even more

Supra’s DFMM and its cross-chain DEX make trading for people like us way better.

Imagine you’re shopping for different things in different stores, but these stores are on different planets (blockchains). DFMM is like a super helper that brings all these stores together in one place, making it easy for us to buy and sell things from anywhere.

The cool part? It makes sure the prices are super accurate, like getting the best deals, and everything happens really, really fast. So, the benefit for us is like having a super-fast and smart shopping assistant that makes trading easy and quick.

Question 3: How does the integration of cross-chain liquidity networks and oracles within Supra’s DFMM create a major shift in DeFi?

  • It limits trading options for users
  • It increases slippage in trades
  • It disconnects markets from each other
  • It lays the foundation for an enshrined cross-chain Decentralized Exchange

Supra’s DFMM does something really cool – it’s like building a magical bridge between different places in the crypto world. Before, we could only trade on one planet (blockchain). But now, with DFMM, we can trade stuff between different planets.

So, the big change is like going from a small local market to a giant market that connects everything. It makes trading way more exciting because we’re not stuck in one place anymore. 

Supra Mission 36 Answers

Question 1: What is the key impact of Supra’s DFMM on DeFi?

  • Makes DeFi more user friendly and boost adoption
  • Higher transaction fees
  • Slower DeFi adoption
  • Increased risk for traders

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Supra’s DFMM is like upgrading from a basic compass to an advanced navigation system, making the journey in the world of DeFi smoother for everyone. It helps avoid problems like high slippage and impermanent loss, making it easier for new traders to join the DeFi community without facing complicated issues.

Question 2: Where does DFMM get it’s price information from?

  • A single external AMM
  • Centralized authorities
  • Supra Oracles and a decentralized virtual order book
  • Exclusively it’s own liquidity pools

Question 3: What AMM problems does Supra’s DFMM solve?

  • AMMs lack any slippage while trading
  • High slippage and impermanence loss of AMMs
  • AMMs lack of centralized operations
  • AMMs are extremely user-friendly

High slippage occurs due to the price volatility of DeFi assets. This means you may get a much lesser value than what you bargained for during a trade because the price of the assets you’re trading changed before you finished the trade.

When investors provide liquidity in liquidity pools, they may end up with losses because of how volatile the trading pairs are.

Supra’s DFMM tries to make these surprises and losses less common when people trade in the crypto world.

Supra Mission 35 Answers

Question 1: Why did the concept of Automated Market Makers (AMMs) emerge in the world of Web3?

  • To eliminate the need for a centralized matching agent
  • To rely on centralized market makers
  • To centralize trading operations
  • To increase slippage in DeFi trades

In regular trading, there are middlemen who help buyers and sellers agree on fair prices. However, in the decentralized world of Web3, people wanted to trade without having to trust a central authority. 

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So, AMMs use smart contracts and algorithms to let people trade directly with each other on a decentralized exchange like Uniswap or Balancer. This way, there’s no need for a middleman, making the trading process trustless and fully decentralized.

Question 2: What inherent drawbacks and risks does the AMM model still face in DeFi?

  • Perfect liquidity provision
  • Impermanent gains and decentralized operations
  • Low slippage and ideal risk mitigation
  • High slippage, impermanent loss, and less than ideal risk mitigation

Sometimes it’s hard for AMMs to handle the big price changes that occur with highly volatile tokens (high slippage). 

And people who provide funds might not always make as much money as they hope. They may even end up losing money if the prices of the assets they provide change drastically (impermanent loss). 

Also, the way AMMs protect against risks could be better.

Question 3: What does DFMM stand for, according to the mission?

  • Decentralized Fashion Market Model
  • Decentralized Football Metaverse Module
  • Dynamic Function Market Maker
  • Digitally Functioning Marketing Mechanism

Supra Mission 34 Answers

Question 1: How does Supra address the challenges posed by Oracle Extractable Value (OEV)?

  • By embracing predictability
  • By centralizing oracle networks
  • By increasing gas fees
  • By cutting out oracle latency and predictability with DORA

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Supra addresses the challenges posed by Oracle Extractable Value (OEV) by using DORA—Distributed Oracle Agreement Protocol. DORA helps in cutting out two main issues: 

  • Oracle latency: The delay in getting information
  • Predictability: Knowing what will happen next

DORA ensures that Supra’s data-ships (oracle networks) don’t have delays and that their actions are not easily predictable. It randomizes the assignment of jobs to the network, preventing OEV tactics from manipulating the system. 

It also ensures accurate crypto prices by using a sophisticated calculation process involving multiple data sources and a randomized crew.

In simple terms, DORA makes everything happen super fast (no waiting around) and it keeps things secret (you can’t easily guess what happens next).

Question 2: Why did Supra need to solve the problem of OEV?

  • To increase gas fees for users
  • To encourage toxic trading strategies
  • To centralize the DeFi ecosystem
  • To prevent the theft of value from well-meaning traders

Supra needed to solve the problem of Oracle Extractable Value (OEV) to protect traders from having their money stolen. OEV is a threat where bad actors try to manipulate the system and take profits from honest traders. 

Supra’s solution, the DORA Protocol, helps prevent this kind of theft by making the system more secure and resistant to manipulation. So, the main goal is to safeguard the value and earnings of well-meaning traders.

Question 3: What does OEV stand for in the context of the mission?

  • Overly Exaggerated Value
  • Oracle Exchange Volume
  • Operational Extraction Venture
  • Oracle Extractable Value

Supra Mission 33 Answers

Question 1: In traditional proof-of-work blockchains, who has the opportunity to extract value from liquidation events?

  • Validators
  • Miners
  • Traders
  • Delegators

Miners are the special builders in the proof-of-work blockchains. They arrange and process transactions, and when things like liquidations happen, they can take advantage by arranging their transactions in a smart way to get some extra value out of it. 

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It’s like they’re playing a game and figuring out the best moves to win extra points when something important happens. So, in this case, it’s the miners who get the chance to win!

Question 2: Why are oracles considered crucial in the context of Oracle Extractable Value?

  • They facilitate decentralized voting and governance
  • They control the entire blockchain
  • They mine the underlying cryptocurrencies
  • They bring real-world data onto blockchains, triggering events like liquidations

Oracles act like messengers for blockchains, bringing in information from the real world. In the case of Oracle Extractable Value, this information is crucial for events like liquidations in decentralized finance. 

Oracles play a big role in making sure the blockchain knows what’s happening in the real world, creating opportunities for extracting value.

Question 3: In a proof-of-stake network, what term is used for the phenomenon similar to Miner Extractable Value and Oracle Extractable Value?

  • Validator Dominance Quotient
  • Stakeholder Appreciation Value
  • Proof-of-Stake Liquidity
  • Maximal Extractable Value

Just like miners in proof-of-work and oracles in DeFi, validators in proof-of-stake networks can extract value by influencing the order of transactions in the blocks they publish. 

In other words, validators can make the most out of the opportunities available by arranging transactions in a certain way when they add them to the blockchain. 

This is known as Maximal Extractable Value.

Supra Mission 32 Answers

Question 1: What is one of the main objectives of the price discovery mechanism in Supra’s Liquidity Network?

  • Prices determined by arbitragers
  • Fairer and more accurate prices
  • Fixed and static prices
  • Inaccurate prices for arbitrage opportunities

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The main objective of the price discovery mechanism in Supra’s Liquidity Network is to ensure that when you’re trading goods or assets across different markets, everyone gets a fair and honest deal. 

Supra’s decentralized cross-chain oracle helps gather and verify the right prices, making sure traders get the best value for their money across all these different markets. 

Question 2: What risk do liquidity providers face in the current state of isolated DeFi markets?

  • Legal compliance risk
  • High liquidity risk
  • Counterparty risk
  • Impermanence loss for liquidity providers

Imagine you’re running a lemonade stand on different streets, but each street has its own way of deciding how much they’ll pay for lemonade. It’s like you’re selling the same lemonade, but the prices are all over the place.

Now, if you want to sell your lemonade on all these streets and make good money, it’s a problem. Why? Because the prices are not the same everywhere. You might sell it for $1 on one street, but the same lemonade could be $2 on another street.

This difference in prices is a big issue for people providing the lemonade (liquidity providers). They face the risk of losing money because the prices are not in sync. It’s called impermanence loss because the prices are not permanent or consistent. 

That’s the risk these lemonade sellers (liquidity providers) deal with in the current setup of different streets with different prices.

Question 3: How does Supra’s Cross-chain Liquidity Network solve price gaps across different DeFi marketplaces?

  • By introducing a new consensus algorithm
  • By integrating Supra’s decentralized cross-chain oracle
  • By creating separate liquidity pools for each market
  • By limiting the number of liquidity providers

Imagine the different markets across several blockchains, each doing its own thing and setting prices differently. Supra’s Liquidity Network solves the problem of these different prices by using its oracles. 

Supra Oracles help to collect and confirm fair prices for assets and goods across all these markets. So, instead of each market doing its own thing, they all get on the same page with the right prices, making it simpler for everyone involved.

Supra Mission 31 Answers

Question 1: What core DeFi principle will Supra’s Cross-chain Liquidity Network reinforce?

  • Decreasing access to different blockchains
  • Limiting decentralization
  • Enhancing friction in transactions
  • Enabling more widespread decentralization across blockchains

Imagine you have different playgrounds (blockchains), and each playground has its own set of toys (assets). 

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Normally, you can only play with the toys in your playground. But Supra’s Cross-chain Liquidity Network is like a magical bridge that lets you play with toys in all the other playgrounds, not just yours. This means you have more options and can move around freely. 

And the best part is, it still keeps the rule that everyone can play with their toys without a boss or central authority telling them what to do. So, it’s like making sure everyone can have fun and share their toys, no matter which playground they’re in. 

Question 2: What will be the primary focus of Supra’s Cross-chain Liquidity Network?

  • Limiting DeFi to a specific blockchain ecosystem
  • Opening DeFi doors across all chains
  • Enhancing centralized control over liquidity
  • Streamlining transactions in a single blockchain

Think of DeFi as a big party where people can trade and exchange stuff. 

Usually, this party happens in separate rooms (blockchains), and you can only trade with people in the same room as you. But Supra’s Cross-chain Liquidity Network is like opening doors between all the rooms, so everyone at the party can trade with each other, no matter which room they’re in. 

It’s like making the party more fun and exciting by connecting all the different rooms. 

Question 3: What key benefits will Supra’s Cross-chain Liquidity Network provide to DeFi users?

  • Limited access to assets across different ecosystems
  • Decreased accuracy in asset prices
  • Faster and smoother trading experiences across an interconnected Web3 landscape
  • Slower execution speeds and increased friction

Imagine you’re trading cards with friends in different neighbourhoods (blockchains). Normally, it might take a long time to trade because you have to travel between neighbourhoods, and sometimes the information about the cards isn’t very accurate. 

But with Supra’s Cross-chain Liquidity Network, it’s like having a super-fast teleporter that lets you trade cards quickly and smoothly, no matter where your friends are. This makes the trading experience way better and more fun. 

Supra Mission 30 Answers

Question 1: What problem does Supra aim to solve with its Cross-chain Liquidity Network?

  • Managing Information hubs for digital content
  • Establishing centralized control over liquidity
  • Enhancing liquidity within a single blockchain
  • Fragmentation of liquidity pools across different blockchains

Imagine blockchains as different planets, each with its own market (liquidity pool). These markets can’t talk to each other; they’re stranded on their own planet. 

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Supra’s solution is like building a magical network that connects all these markets, so things like value and assets can move freely between planets. The problem Supra wants to solve is like saying, “Hey, let’s stop these markets from being stuck on just one planet and connect them all.” 

Question 2: Why do we need liquidity pools connected across different networks?

  • To avoid competition between different blockchains
  • To reduce liquidity within a single blockchain
  • To facilitate centralized control over liquidity
  • To let anyone move freely across blockchains with their assets and tokens

Imagine different planets (blockchains), each with its own market (liquidity pool). If these markets can’t talk to each other, they’ll be stuck on their own planets without knowing what’s happening on the other planets. That means folks miss out on good stuff happening on other planets, like cool trades and new developments.

Supra’s idea is to connect these markets, so everyone can freely move between planets with their stuff (assets and tokens). 

Question 3: Why are pre-existing liquidity pools stranded on their blockchains?

  • Because they have no native way to reach other blockchains
  • Because they don’t have value
  • Because they lack popularity
  • Because they are centrally managed

Imagine each blockchain as a planet, and the liquidity pools are markets on these planets. The problem is that these markets (liquidity pools) are stuck on their own planets (blockchains) and can’t easily reach other planets. 

They need a spaceship (like Supra’s Cross-chain Liquidity Network) to travel between planets and connect them all. 

Supra Mission 29 Answers

Question 1: Why are liquidity pools considered decentralized in nature?

  • Operated on a private blockchain
  • Managed by a single governing body
  • Exclusively available to permissioned users
  • Community-provided liquidity from a distributed network of providers

Liquidity pools are like shared spaces where people put their cryptocurrencies for trading. What makes them decentralized is that they’re not controlled by one person or group. 

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It’s like a bunch of friends or community members coming together to contribute their stuff (cryptocurrencies, in this case) to a shared warehouse (liquidity pool) where everyone can trade without needing someone in charge. 

Question 2: What role do liquidity pools play in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space?

  • Gaming platforms for crypto enthusiasts
  • Social hubs for cryptocurrencies
  • Decentralized governance platforms
  • Facilitate trade and exchange of cryptocurrencies and digital assets

Liquidity pools play the role of facilitating trade and exchange of cryptocurrencies and digital assets in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. 

Imagine liquidity pools as busy marketplaces in the world of crypto. They’re the places where people can easily trade and exchange their crypto without the need for a middleman or central authority.

Question 3: Who are the providers in the context of liquidity pools, and what role do they play?

  • Cryptocurrency developers
  • Centralized operators managing liquidity
  • Crypto users who trade on DeFi platforms
  • Community members providing liquidity in exchange for fees

The providers in the context of liquidity pools are the community members who share their crypto in the pool. Their role is to ensure there’s enough crypto for buyers and sellers to trade. In return, they get a share of the fees from the trades that happen in that marketplace. 

In simpler terms, providers are community members who share their crypto to make trading possible, and they get a little something back for doing so.

Supra Mission 28 Answers

Question 1: Which term is used to describe Supra’s bridgeless cross-chain communication capabilities?

  • ChainConnect
  • MegaBridge
  • InterLink
  • HyperNova

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Supra’s HyperNova is like a portal that lets different blockchains talk to each other easily, making it super convenient for people to move around Web3. It’s like having a secret passage between different parts of the internet, and Supra’s HyperNova is the key to unlocking it.

Question 2: What is Supra’s role as an IntraLayer in the Web3 landscape?

  • Graphic design services
  • Data analysis services only
  • Social networking platform
  • Infrastructure and interoperability hub

Supra’s role as an IntraLayer in the Web3 landscape is like being a superhero hub for infrastructure and interoperability.

Imagine Supra as the go-to place where superheroes (builders and developers in the Web3 world) can find all the tools they need to create cool things like apps or projects. 

It’s all about providing essential tools and making it easier for these superhero builders to work across different parts of the Web3 world. 

Question 3: How is Supra transforming the Web3 landscape for builders?

  • By making the lives of builders more challenging
  • By focusing on a single essential tool
  • By limiting access to its infrastructure
  • By providing essential services on a decentralized, interoprable network

Supra is like a toolbox for builders in the Web3 world. It makes their job easier by putting all the important tools and services they need, like oracles, VRF and automation, in one handy place, saving them time and effort. 

So, Supra helps builders by giving them everything they need on a super cool, easy-to-use network. 

Supra Mission 27 Answers

Question 1: How does the Supra Network manage its node groups’ involvement in different services?

  • A single node group manages all services
  • Randomly assign and regularly reshuffle nodes in sub-committees
  • All nodes are involved in every service
  • Clans determine the services they want to be involved in

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The Supra Network comprises different groups of computers—nodes, and it uses these groups for different jobs. Instead of having one group do all the work, it splits the work into smaller teams—clans

Supra Network doesn’t always keep the same groups for the same jobs; it shuffles the groups around randomly. This helps keep things safe and makes everything faster. 

So, it’s like having different teams that switch tasks to make everything work better and safer.

Question 2: What does Supra refer to the smaller node groups within its network as?

  • Squads
  • Parties
  • Clans
  • Teams

Question 3: What does the Supra Network’s approach to service security and decentralization resemble?

  • A top-down hierarchy
  • Traditional web2 network
  • Decentralized microservice architecture
  • A single workforce managing everything

Supra’s way of making its network safe and spread out is a bit like how big tech companies organise their work. They break tasks into smaller groups, making things faster and more secure. So, it’s like when you have smaller teams working on different parts of a big project to get it done better.

Supra Mission 26 Answers

Question 1: Which term best describes Supra’s network that integrates multiple infrastructural and interoperability solutions?

  • OmniChain
  • SupraScape
  • IntraLayer
  • InterLayer

The term that best describes Supra’s network that integrates multiple infrastructural and interoperability solutions is IntraLayer.

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IntraLayer is a unique term used to emphasise that Supra’s network is distinct because it combines various tools and solutions into a single, integrated system. Think of it like mixing different ingredients to create something special. That’s what Supra does with its network.

Question 2: What is the Moonshot consensus’ improvement over the current leading consensus mechanism?

  • It’s 54% faster in finality latency and 40% better in block throughput
  • It doesn`t have any significant performance improvements
  • It’s 30% faster than the existing consensus mechanism
  • It only improves finality latency, not block throughput

Moonshot consensus outperforms the current leading consensus mechanisms in two ways. 

It’s 54% faster when it comes to finality latency—the speed at which transactions are confirmed, and it’s 40% better in block throughput—the number of transactions that can be processed per second. 

This means Moonshot is a significant improvement in speed and efficiency compared to the existing consensus mechanisms.

Question 3: When Moonshot consensus is integrated into Supra’s network, what does it boost?

  • Just the network`s internal transactions
  • All of Supra`s protocols and services
  • Only cockpit of the spaceship
  • Only the oracle service

When Moonshot consensus is introduced into Supra’s network, it doesn’t just affect one part; it improves the performance of the entire network, including all the different protocols and services.

Supra Mission 25 Answers

Question 1: How much block throughput improvement does Supra’s Moonshot consensus have compared to the prevailing state-of-the-art?

  • Exactly 32%
  • Over 54%
  • Under 20%
  • Exactly 45%

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Supra’s Moonshot consensus has over 54% block throughput improvement compared to the prevailing state-of-the-art. It processes transactions and data much faster than the previous consensus mechanisms. 

Question 2: How does Moonshot’s rapid block finality and increased throughput benefit various use cases on the blockchain?

  • It improves performance across all blockchain use cases it reaches
  • It reduces transaction security
  • It complicates DeFi transactions
  • It has impact on limited blockchain use cases

Moonshot makes everything on the blockchain work better. 

It’s like if you had a magic potion that made your computer games, videos, and other stuff on the internet load really quickly. 

So, it’s good for everything people do on the blockchain, like DeFi transactions, NFT trading, token swaps, you name it. Moonshot just makes everything faster and better.

Question 3: How does Supra’s Moonshot improve speed and performance impact blockchain applications?

  • It makes blockchain activities more costly
  • It slows down blockchain activities
  • It has no impact on blockchain applications
  • It enhances the speed, security, and accessibility of blockchain transactions

Moonshot makes the things people do on the blockchain faster, safer, and easier. It’s like a super-speed boost for everything on the blockchain, so it’s more convenient and secure for users.

Supra Mission 24 Answers

Question 1: What is the benefit for Blast Off players in this token sale?

  • They can get $SUPRA tokens at a higher price than others
  • They can get a refund if they change their minds
  • They get to skip verification and KYC steps during the public sale
  • They can participate in the sale at a later date

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The benefit for Blast Off players in the $SUPRA token sale is that they get to skip verification and KYC (Know Your Customer) steps during the public sale. 

This means they don’t need to go through the usual process of verifying their identity, which can be a bit of a hassle. So, they can participate more easily and quickly in the token sale compared to others who have to go through those extra steps. 

It’s a great advantage because it makes it more convenient for Blast Off players to join the sale and get their $SUPRA tokens.

Question 2: Which digital token can be used to participate in the sale?

  • BEP-20 $USDC
  • ERC-20 $USDT
  • ERC-20 $ETH
  • ERC-20 $USDC

The digital token you can use to participate in the $SUPRA token sale is ERC-20 $USDC. This is USDC on the Ethereum blockchain. 

USDC is the token; Ethereum is the network the token operates on. ERC-20 is the standard used on the Ethereum blockchain. 

So, if you want to be part of the presale, ensure you have USDC on Ethereum.

Supra Mission 23 Answers

Question 1: Why is tokenomics important in blockchain projects?

  • It determines the color and design of blockchain tokens
  • It helps align incentives, promote participation, and foster decentralization
  • It is the only factor that shapes the user experience of blockchain applications
  • It defines the encryption algorithms used for token storage

Tokenomics is like the rulebook for how digital tokens work in a blockchain. It’s not about the colours or design, and it’s not just for looks. 

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It’s super important because it decides how tokens encourage people to join in, participate, and ensure power isn’t all in one place. In other words, it helps ensure everyone plays fair and keeps things decentralised. So, it’s not about the colours or how things look but more about how it makes sure everyone’s on the same page in the blockchain world.

It’s like designing a game. You want the game’s rules to be fair so everyone wants to play and no one has too much power. Tokenomics is like creating those fair rules for the blockchain to be a good and fair system for everyone. 

Question 2: How does the $SUPRA token promote decentralization?

  • By allowing only VCs to participate in the network
  • By involving the community and active participants in its tokenomics
  • By concentrating token holdings in a few large wallets
  • By allocating tokens to a central authority for decision-making

The $SUPRA token promotes decentralisation by ensuring it’s not controlled by a small group of people or a central authority. Instead, it involves the community and active participants in how the tokens are used and distributed. 

In other words, it gives power to the people actively using and supporting the network, a key aspect of decentralisation.

The $SUPRA token ensures that many community members have a say and get tokens. This way, it makes the network fair and spreads control to many people. So, it promotes decentralisation by making sure everyone has a chance to be part of it.

Question 3: What does tokenomics refer to in the blockchain context?

  • The economic principles underlying the creation and operation of digital tokens
  • The study of physics used in blockchain transactions
  • The security protocols used to encrypt token transactions
  • The process of token minting on a database

Tokenomics in the blockchain context refers to the economic principles that govern how digital tokens are created and how they work within the blockchain ecosystem. 

It’s about the rules and systems that determine how these tokens are used, who gets them, and what they can do in the blockchain network. It’s not about physics or security protocols; it’s all about the economics of digital tokens in the blockchain world.

Supra Mission 22 Answer

How does the $SUPRA token extend its utility beyond its native network?

  • By exclusively serving as a staking token.
  • By integrating with 40+ different blockchain networks and counting.
  • By providing services only within its ecosystem.
  • By restricting its use to one specific blockchain.

The $SUPRA token isn’t stuck on just one crypto network; it can work on many. It’s like a master key to open many different doors. So, it’s not limited to just one blockchain, and that’s why it can do more things.

Supra Mission 21 Answers

Question 1: How many utilities of the $SUPRA token are explained in this mission?

  • Eight
  • Five
  • Six
  • Seven

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Supra Mission 21 explains six utilities of the $SUPRA token:

  1. Staking token: You can lock up $SUPRA tokens to help keep the network secure and get rewards for doing this.
  2. Work token: $SUPRA tokens let you do jobs on the network and get rewards for that work.
  3. Gas token: $SUPRA is the native token of the Supra blockchain. So, you’ll need it to pay for transaction fees (gas fees) on the Supra blockchain. $SUPRA tokens ensure transactions happen smoothly on the network and prevent it from getting clogged.
  4. Subscription token: Holding $SUPRA tokens gives builders discounts on certain network services, like a membership card for discounts at a store.
  5. Data access coin: $SUPRA tokens are like a special key to access important information on the network.
  6. Decentralized governance: If you hold $SUPRA tokens, you can make important decisions about how the network works. But you have to earn the right to make those decisions by doing good things for the network, not just by having lots of tokens.

Question 2: How does the $SUPRA token contribute to network security?

  • It offers discounts on token purchases
  • Users can lock their tokens to enhance network security and earn rewards
  • It operates as a weather prediction tool
  • It has no role in network security

The $SUPRA token contributes to network security by allowing users to lock their tokens to enhance network security and earn rewards. This means you can help make the Supra network safer by locking up your $SUPRRA tokens, and you’ll get rewards for doing so.

Question 3: How does the $SUPRA token encourage long-term user loyalty?

  • It rewards loyalty with higher fees
  • It has no impact on long-term partnerships
  • It only rewards new users
  • It rewards loyalty with discounted access to network services

The $SUPRA token rewards long-term user loyalty with discounted access to network services. This means that the more $SUPRA tokens a builder holds over time, the more they can save on using various services on the network. 

Supra Mission 20 Answers

Question 1: What does Supra’s HyperNova provide beyond just bridging assets in Web3?

  • Universal translation and communication between blockchains
  • Exclusive NFT collections
  • AI-powered asset management
  • Enhanced mining capabilities

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Supra’s HyperNova goes beyond just moving assets between different blockchains. It acts like a universal translator and allows different blockchains, like isolated planets, to talk to each other and share information. 

This means it helps them communicate and work together, which is really important in Web3 (the internet’s next phase). It’s like helping planets from different solar systems understand each other’s languages and talk to each other.

Question 2: How does Supra’s HyperNova transform Web3?

  • By creating isolated blockchain communities
  • By limiting opportunities for cross-chain connections
  • By reducing the number of available dApps
  • By cryptographically connecting blockchains and their communities across Web3

Supra’s HyperNova transforms Web3 by creating strong connections between different blockchains and the communities that use them. 

It does this using cryptography, a secret language used to keep information safe from people who shouldn’t see it. This connection allows people and projects on different blockchains to work together and share things, making Web3 more connected and collaborative. 

It’s like building bridges between islands so everyone can visit and trade freely.

Question 3: How does Supra’s HyperNova benefit multi-chain gaming?

  • It can expand the player pool across different blockchains
  • It increases in-game currency values
  • It allows for faster local gameplay
  • It enhances graphics and sound quality

Supra’s HyperNova helps multi-chain gaming by allowing players from different blockchains (like different gaming communities) to join and play the same game. This means more people can join the game, making it more exciting and competitive. 

Imagine if your favourite game could include players from all over, not just your neighbourhood. That means more friends to play with, making the game more awesome!

Supra Mission 19 Answers

Question 1: How does Supra HyperNova benefit DeFi traders in cross-chain scenarios?

  • By preserving the security guarantees of the source chain
  • By making all cross-chain transactions fee-less
  • By outsourcing security to a small bridge node network
  • By introducing a much slower layer of security

Supra HyperNova helps DeFi traders when they want to move their assets between different blockchains (cross-chain). It does this by keeping the security of the blockchain where the assets come from (the source chain) safe and secure. 

It’s like a superhero protecting your money when you move it to a new place.

Question 2: How does Supra HyperNova impact the risk-reward equation for cross-chain DeFi traders?

  • It makes risk decisions less calculated
  • It increases risks associated with cross-chain transactions
  • It eliminates all risks entirely from DeFi trading
  • It levels the playing field by removing conventional bridge-related risks

Before HyperNova, when traders wanted to move their assets between different blockchains, they had to use bridges, which could be risky. HyperNova eliminates the need for these risky bridges, so all traders are on the same level playing field. 

This means traders can focus on trading without worrying about extra risks from using bridges.

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Question 3: How does Supra HyperNova achieve cross-chain interoperability without compromising security?

  • By translating the source chain’s proof into a universally verifiable proof
  • By creating a new security bridge for each chain
  • By outsourcing security to a separate bridge network
  • By introducing a one time use layer of cryptographic complexity

Supra HyperNova helps different blockchains understand each other without giving up their security. 

It does this by taking the proof (like evidence) from the blockchain where your assets are (the source chain) and turning it into a special proof that all the other blockchains can read and agree on. It’s like speaking a language everyone understands while keeping things safe.

So, Supra HyperNova makes different blockchains work together by translating their proofs into a language they all understand without losing security.

Supra Mission 18 Answers

Question 1: Where does HyperNova’s cross-chain bridgeless technology get its security from?

  • The cryptographic proofs of the origin chain’s consensus as well as Supra’s consensus
  • Only from Supra’s IntraLayer Security Guarantee
  • HyperNova isn’t secure
  • Only from the origin chain, such as Ethereum’s cryptographic proof

HyperNova’s cross-chain bridgeless technology stays secure by using two things:

  1. The security of the original blockchain: This is like the security guards on the planet where you have your assets. They make sure your assets are safe.
  2. Supra’s security: This is like having extra security guards from Supra who double-check everything to ensure it’s safe to move your assets.

Question 2: What is the primary advantage of Supra’s HyperNova over traditional bridges in cross-chain transactions?

  • It relies on a smaller and more vulnerable bridge node network
  • It outsources security to a separate security network
  • It discards the source chain’s proof
  • It preserves Layer 1 security guarantees through the entire transaction cycle

Supra Mission 17 Answer

Question: What are bridges used for?

  • For maintaining verifiable records of assets
  • To make it easy to sign into apps
  • For moving within the same blockchain
  • To move between two unique blockchains

In the context of Web3, bridges are used to connect two blockchains. 

These blockchains are like unique planets with their own rules and systems. So, you need a bridge when you want to move assets or data from one blockchain (planet) to another. 

It’s like an interplanetary connector that allows you to cross between blockchains.

Supra Mission 16 Answers

Question 1: Which projects can be referred by SNAP Affiliates?

  • Only gaming
  • Only L1s and L2s
  • Only DeFi
  • Any project on available networks

SNAP affiliates can refer and earn rewards for bringing in any project that wants to benefit from Supra’s services, regardless of its category or network.

Question 2: How are the affiliate earnings paid out?

  • Any crypto of your choice
  • Entirely in $SUPRA
  • Entirely in USDC
  • Partly in USDC and partly in $SUPRA

Supra Mission 15 Answer

Question: How much discount does SNAP offer dApps for the first 6 months?

  • 90% off
  • 50% off
  • 75% off
  • 100% off

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Supra Mission 14 Answer

Question: What is the purpose of randomization in DORA?

  • It makes the protocol easier to manipulate
  • It secures the protocol from manipulation
  • It decides the number of clans in the tribe
  • It decreases the aggregators in the network

Supra uses randomization within DORA to protect the protocol from manipulation by hackers and bad actors. By randomly shuffling the nodes (or drones) into different groups (tribes and clans) regularly, even if a hacker manages to infiltrate the network, they won’t know which group they’ll end up in next. 

This makes it extremely difficult for them to manipulate the data because the network structure keeps changing. It’s like changing the lock code on a safe all the time to keep thieves out.

So, randomization aims to keep the data secure and protect it from being tampered with by dishonest folks.

Supra Mission 13 Answer

Question: Which of the following is true about the impact of Supra VRF on Web3 gaming?

  • Enabling unfair advantages for select players
  • Ensuring fair and unpredictable outcomes
  • Limiting the creativity of game developers
  • Slowing the overall gaming experience

Supra VRF makes Web3 gaming better by ensuring the game is fair, and the results are unpredictable. This means no player can have an unfair advantage, and the game is like a level playing field for everyone. 

It’s like having a referee in a soccer game who makes sure that nobody cheats and the game is exciting and fair for everyone playing. So, it’s all about ensuring the game is fair and unpredictable, which is great for gamers.

Supra Mission 12 Answer

Question: How does Supra VRF achieve a decentralized process?

  • By keeping all computations on one node
  • By utilizing a threshold signature generated by a randomized VRF committee
  • By keeping verification off-chain
  • By relying on centralized nodes

Supra randomized VRF committee consists of multiple nodes, each contributing to generating the random outcome. These nodes are a bunch of computers working together, not just one. 

Imagine you’re trying to pick a random item from a list, and instead of relying on one person to do it, you have a group of people, each picking a part of the choice. This way, it’s more fair and secure. That’s how Supra’s randomness works.

You can also think of Supra’s VRF as a group of cowboys deciding on a random prize for your lootbox in a video game. Instead of just one cowboy, they have several. 

Each cowboy does a part of the work, and when they all agree, you get your prize. This makes it fair and secure because no single cowboy can cheat. 

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Supra Mission 11 Answer

Question: What are the three key characteristics of good randomness for Web3?

  • Unpredictable, unbiased, verifiable
  • Predictable, biased, non-verifiable
  • Unpredictable, biased, verifiable
  • Predictable, unbiased, non-verifiable

Good randomness for Web3 should be:

  • Unpredictable: The randomness should be impossible to predict or anticipate. In other words, you shouldn’t be able to guess the random outcome. It should be like trying to predict the outcome of a fair coin toss – you can’t reliably guess heads or tails.
  • Unbiased: Randomness should not favour any particular outcome. It should be fair and not influenced by any external factors or biases. Think of it as a lottery where every ticket has an equal chance of winning. No outcome should be more likely than another.
  • Verifiable: You should be able to check and confirm the randomness on-chain to see that the random outcome was generated as claimed. It’s like being able to watch the live drawing of a lottery to ensure that it’s conducted fairly.

So, good randomness in Web3 is like a fair and unpredictable lottery that you can verify was conducted without any bias or manipulation. It’s a critical component for various applications, from gaming to securing blockchain networks.

Supra Mission 10 Answer

Question: Who does cross-chain interoperability help?

  • Individual Web3 explorers and users
  • Blockchain networks and ecosystems
  • dApp builders and developers
  • All of the above

Cross-chain interoperability:

  • Makes using different digital systems and apps easier for Web3 users
  • Helps blockchain networks and ecosystems work together better and connect like different pieces of a puzzle
  • Makes it simpler for dApp builders and developers to create apps that can be used in many places

So, it’s good for everyone who uses or makes things in the Web3 space.

Supra Mission 9 Answer

Question: How do Supra’s price feeds make DeFi better?

  • On-chain finality in close to 2 seconds
  • Advanced cryptographic security
  • Price feed accuracy and stability
  • All of the above

Supra’s price feeds make DeFi (which is like a space journey in the world of digital money) better in three big ways:

  1. They make transactions super fast, almost like snapping your fingers. Imagine you want to buy something, and it happens almost instantly.
  2. They use extreme security measures. It’s like having a super-locked vault for your money so no one can steal it.
  3. They give you the right information about cryptocurrency prices. It’s like having a super-smart map that always shows you the correct way. This helps people make good decisions.

So, Supra’s price feeds are like a space guide for DeFi, making it faster, safer, and smarter for everyone.

Supra Mission 8 Answer

Question: What is the purpose of agreement distance in DORA?

  • To ensure accuracy in the final result.
  • To increase network efficiency.
  • To reduce the number of nodes in the network.
  • To prevent cyber attacks.

Think of it like this: Agreement distance helps DORA ensure that the data it uses is accurate. It’s like a filter that keeps only the most accurate data and throws out anything that’s way too different from the rest. This helps DORA provide the most trustworthy information. So, it’s all about making sure the data is right!

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Supra Mission 7 Answer

Question: What is the Tick-Start protocol of DORA?

  • A method to start a new round of agreement without waiting for earlier rounds to finish.
  • A way to measure the distance between data sources and the S-value.
  • A technique to shuffle the clan nodes to avoid collusion.
  • A strategy to validate the digital signatures of the clan nodes.

The Tick-Start protocol is like a timer that tells DORA when to start a new round of getting data. It doesn’t wait for the old round to finish; it just keeps going at a regular pace, like a clock. 

This way, DORA quickly gets fresh data and keeps everything moving smoothly, like a well-timed spaceship. This helps keep the data fresh and up-to-date for the blockchain applications (dApps).

Supra Mission 6 Answer

Question: Which of the following is responsible for keeping DORA secure and consistently blazing fast?

  • Agreement Distance
  • Tick-Start DORA
  • Fallback Protocol
  • Randomization
  • All of the above

All the things listed work together to ensure DORA is safe and super quick.

Agreement distance checks data to ensure it’s not too crazy so we get good information.

Tick-Start DORA makes sure we always have fresh data.

Fallback protocol is like a backup plan that involves more people if something goes wrong so the data stays reliable.

Randomization keeps things mixed up to stop anyone from messing with the data.

Supra Mission 5 Answer

Question: Which NFTs in the metaverse need Supra’s speed, accuracy, and fast finality to change with real world events?

  • PFP NFTs
  • Static NFTs
  • Dynamic NFTs
  • None of the above

Dynamic NFTs are like special digital items that can change or improve based on what’s happening in the real world. Think of a sword in a game that gets stronger as you defeat more monsters or a baseball player’s card that updates when they hit home runs. These dynamic NFTs need Supra’s help to get updates quickly and accurately.

Other types of NFTs, like static ones that don’t change or PFP NFTs that are just for pictures, don’t need Supra’s help in the same way. So, Supra is important for the NFTs that can change with real-world events.

Supra Mission 4 Answer

Question: What is Supra’s security method that delivers better oracle decentralization, scalability, and performance?

  • Tribes and clans randomization method
  • Static node consensus method
  • Single node attestation method
  • Supra doesn’t need a consensus method

Supra keeps things safe and running smoothly by having different teams (called tribes and clans) of workers (nodes) that constantly change who they work with. It’s like having a group of workers where the members change so frequently that no one can plan anything tricky together. 

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Supra Mission 3 Answer

Question: Can nodes reverse transaction finality before they’re written on Supra?

  • Nodes need a 51% majority to reverse Supra’s transactions
  • Reversing finalized transactions on Supra is easy
  • Blocks on Supra cannot be reversed after they are finalized
  • Nodes can reverse transactions without any majority

Once transactions are finalized and written on Supra’s blockchain, they are set in stone and cannot be reversed or changed. It’s like writing something in permanent ink; you can’t erase it once it’s done. This is an essential feature of Supra that ensures the security and integrity of the blockchain.

Supra Mission 2 Answer

Question: Which of the following is NOT true about Supra compared to other oracles?

  • It delivers better decentralization, security, speed, and data accuracy
  • It prevents oracle node collusion by ensuring randomness, others are prone to this
  • Supra has the fastest to full finality oracle service
  • Supra’s performance and security are at par with other oracles

Supra Mission 1 Answers

Question 1: What kind of data do oracles help smart contracts access on the blockchain?

  • Crypto data, such as prices of crypto coins, tokens, and NFTs
  • Financial data, such as stock prices and foreign currency exchanges
  • Real-world data, such as weather, news, sports scores, date, and time
  • All of the above

Oracles are like helpers that connect smart contracts on the blockchain to all sorts of information from the real world outside the blockchain. They make it possible for smart contracts to use this data to make decisions and do useful things.

Question 2: How much value was stolen from bridges in 2022 alone?

  • Around $2 million USD
  • Over $2 billion USD
  • Exactly $1 million USD
  • Under $1 billion USD

Is Supra Airdrop Legit?

Supra airdrop is legit, and you don’t need to spend money or buy crypto to join.

The airdrop is a Learn to Earn (L2E) campaign where you earn interesting Supra rewards by learning about the Supra blockchain and how it improves DeFi. 

All you need to do is answer the SupraOracles mission quizzes to claim mission crates. So, you have nothing to lose. If you’re new to crypto, this airdrop is great for you as you’ll learn more about crypto as you participate in the campaign.

Ensure you follow the official Supra channels on social media and participate in their online community to get more updates and understand the project better.

Check out the Marina Protocol airdrop and the XENEA airdrop if you’re interested in L2E airdrop campaigns. You get rewards for answering daily crypto quizzes.

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